Chapter 9 (The gathering of the moon)

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"It's time for this moon's gathering," Nightkit heard Moonshine call. Nightkit rushed towards the clan leader as her eyes turned blue, put Yellowmoon's paw blocked her path. "Nightkit, you have to be at least 6 moons old to attend a gathering."

"But I'm 5 1/2 moons old," Nightkit complained. "Isn't that close enough?" Yellowmoon let out a sigh as Nightkit's eyes turned yellow. "Let me be more specific. You need to be an apprentice, warrior, deputy, medicine cat, or leader in order to attend a gathering." "Oh," Nightkit mewed, dropping her head low as her eyes turned green.

Suddenly Moonshine yowled something else that made Nightkit's eyes turn blue. "But before I choose who will go, I want to announce something. Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting. Nightkit dashed out the nursery, but once again Yellowmoon's paw blocked her way.

Before Yellowmoon could say anything, Nightkit mewed, "It's my apprentice ceremony. Come on, Pandakit!" Nightkit jumped over the queen's paw as Pandakit followed her. 


With Nightkit now Nightclaw, and Pandakit now Pandaclaw, they padded of with their mentors. Nightclaw's mentor was Moonshine, and Pandaclaw's mentor was Nightfoot. Suddenly, Starkit hurried up to them. "Why-" Nightclaw began. "She's far past old enough to become an apprentice, but there aren't enough warriors to mentor her, so I promised her that she could come. That is why I'm speeding up apprentice training. Brightclaw and Darkclaw are going to be warriors in a quarter moon. 

Nightclaw stiffened and her eyes turned yellow when they were on the island. There are some many cats! It's overwhelming! Sunshine cleared his thought once everyone was sitting. "Dawnclan is well. Prey is good, but our shortage of warriors still nags at us. Also, Firepelt has just recently joined the nursery." The Dawnclan leader signaled with his tail for Moonshine to speak. "Prey is running well. We have 2 new apprentices: Pandaclaw and Nightclaw. Moonstripe has also given birth to 3 kits."

Once the gathering was over, Nightclaw happily padded back to camp. But one of her eyes turned yellow and one turned blue. Something's off about Sunshine...

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