I made my way over to them before the situation got outta hand and they caused a scene.

"Hey, y'all."

They both looked at me and Gio's expression shifted as if she hadn't just been cussing Trim the fuck out.

"Oh, hey. What you been gettin' into?"

"What's up, C?"

I hugged Trim before stepping back.

"Not shit. Just surveyin' my surroundings, but I couldn't even do that cause y'all asses over here wildin' like we in the projects."

Trim looked at Gio in an annoyed fashion, but she didn't seem to notice.

"If it wasn't for this nigga over here-" She gestured towards Trim. "Then I wouldn't be bout ready to set off all 8 rounds in this bitch."

He shook his head at her and I could tell he was about to say something else, but he shut his mouth, taking a breath before thoughtfully processing his next words.

"You know what? Imma talk to yo ass when I get home."

He glanced at Gio before walking off.

"You straight?"

Gio nodded before leading me back to stand at the rail.

"He just gets on my nerves sometimes, man. He gon' act like i'm supposed to be cooped up in the damn house, being a maid and shit. He know I got shit to take care of, just like him."

I nodded before propping my elbows up on the banister and over-looking the crowd of people down stairs.

"Y'all know y'all love each other. I don't know why y'all asses be tryna front."

She laughed.

"Hell yeah I love his ass. I never said I didn't. But just because we fight doesn't mean we don't love each other. What matters is that we don't go to bed mad at the other I guess."

I thought to myself before nodding.

"And the same shit goes for you and Ant. Speakin' of him, I heard he's here."

I rolled my eyes, standing up straight.

"I could care less about that nigga right now."

She smiled before poking at my ass.

"Look who's tryna front now."

Before I could respond, her phone vibrated. She looked at the screen before answering.

"Hello?.....Yeah, baby, mommy's gonna be home soon....you better not be in that damn peanut butter again, or imma beat your-"

She signaled that she would be back in a minute before walking off. I laughed at how she could play the roles of both a mother, and a member of the crew. It amazed me how she never failed to succeed at either. As I was surveying the club, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned, only to be met with the gaze of a brown-skinned man. He smirked at me, causing for me to blush and quickly turn my head as if I weren't already imagining the positions-

"Hey, beautiful."

I heard a deep voice, and turned around only to see that he'd made his way over to me. I smirked slightly, and took him in. He stood at about 6 feet exactly and was toned. I caught a sneak of a few bicep tattoos that stood from beneath his fitted black shirt. He had a neat edge up, and perfect teeth to set off his allotment of further perfections.


I kept my composure as I caught a whiff of his musky cologne. I'd been approached by a number of guys since my arrival, but he was by far the finest. He had this sort of sophisticated persona about him...as if he were on a different level than any of the other niggas in the club; mentally that is. I was sure he was in the drug business, considering the fact that he'd been conversing with Black when i'd caught him staring at me.

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