I don't want to write this....

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Dear Mr and Mrs Cherry

It is with utmost regret and sorrow that I am informing you of the death of your son, Samuel Cherry III. While I was his Team Leader for only a few months, he served with honor and distinction, putting his life on the line many times for others. During operations Samuel always had a smile or a joke ready to cheer up others and often brought humor to a situation which may have been nearly unbearable without his charm.

Your son died, like all too many soldiers, far too soon for my liking. Samuel's death was not the result of some mistake or incompetence, but rather in high service. He was killed while our team was providing medical care for refugees, often women and children, in an area of civil war and ethnic strife.

I realize this letter will be of no comfort, but I wanted to let you know that your son did nothing wrong and made no mistakes, was brave and selfless, and many people are alive who would not be if not for his actions.

With solemn regards;

Heather Cromwell, Chief Warrant Officer Two - US Army
Lima-Six-Actual Commanding Officer

Dear Mr and Mrs Kidman

I pen this letter with regret and sorrow to inform you of the death of your son, Mitchell Kidman, who was killed during refugee relief operations. As his team leader for almost a year, I spent a lot of time with your son and found him to a careful and thoughtful young man who spoke of you, and the farm he grew up on, quite often. He served under me with distinction and honor, putting his life in danger quite often for others. During operations Mitchell ensured tasks got done by double checking everyone's work in such a way that it felt expected rather than a lack of trust on his part. His ability to work with others in such a way that everyone felt like a valuable member of the team was vitally important. Personally, his quick wit and the calm steady manner he approached everything will be missed.

Your son died, too early for my liking, providing medical care for refugees. He did not die due to a mistake on his end or a failure of leadership, but rather the harsh chances of war. Mitchell's death occurred in an area of civil war and ethnic strife, and his death was unexpected and tragic.

I realize this letter will be no comfort, but I wanted to personally let you know that your son did nothing wrong and made no mistakes, was brave and selfless, and many people are alive who would not be for his actions.

With solemn regards;

Heather Cromwell, Chief Warrant Officer Two - US Army
Lima-Six-Actual Commanding Officer

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