Just a Little Mistake

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Tremors Night Club
Harker Heights, Texas
07 February, 1992
2200 Hours

The music was pounding as I led Chuck off the dance floor, sweating heavily despite the fact I was in a light T-shirt, jeans, and boots. I was giggling as he pulled me along, enjoying the fact that my shirt was practically glued to me by my sweat. We climbed the steps, look a left, and stopped at the table. The other members of his tank crew were there, all of them looking out over the dance floor except for the tank commander.

First Lieutenant Meldin had led these four men through Desert Storm and his wife was a pretty little blonde woman who obviously was madly in love with her whipcord thin husband. She was drinking scotch on the rocks while her husband drank the same thing I did, pop.

Chuck was a little tipsy, having taken part in a few rounds of shots and putting beer on top of it. Something I was a bit worried about, since throwing beer and Jack Daniels together was a good way to end up barfing instead of end up sweaty and lovin'.

Still, I figured dancing with him would help sweat out some of the booze, and slow dancing was nice, giving us time to kiss and letting him slide his hands down the back of my pants. I loved the feel of his skin on mine.

Chuck sat down, and before I sat down on his lap I glanced around and saw Stillwater over by the pool tables. He was setting up a shot, leaning forward, his bad leg out at an awkward angle thanks to that big brace. Seeing that he was all right, I sat down sideways on Chuck's lap, wiggling a little and enjoying the feel of his erection pressing against my butt.

"You worry about him," Chuck said quietly in my ear.

"Yeah," I answered, reaching out and picking up my soda from where it had been sitting in front of Charlotte Meldin.

"Of course she does," Lt Meldin said, taking a sip off his soda. He shrugged. "Saw him in his Class-A's, dude's earned way to much the hard way, just like she did."

Chuck put his arms around me, hugging me close and I purred, relishing the contact. "You're a good woman, Heather."

"Damn right she is to put up with you," Charlotte laughed. She took another swig off of her drink and raised her hand for the waitress.

"How long did you guys work together?" Lt Meldin asked while I lit a smoke.

I shrugged. "Like five years. Just Cause, Desert Storm, and a few deployments to Africa."

Chuck kissed the back of my neck.

"Me and the boys, we've been together almost two years," Lt Meldin said.

Harry Nollin smiled. "Damn right we have. Best damn tank crew in the Death Dealers."

That got all of them to high-five, Chuck reaching around me. Charlotte rolled her eyes and said "boys" in an affectionate tone. After the high-five Chuck went back to kissing the back of my neck and I shivered in pleasure.

"How's it going over in Cav?" Meldin asked me.

I shrugged. "Slow. Charlie's doing its best, but I'm a little worried about a few things going on in our Rapid Deployment zones. Gonna try to get everyone to NTC next month, but Blackjack's a little resistant to the idea."

That made Meldin nod. "NTC's expensive."

I shrugged again, then shivered as Chuck kissed the back of my neck again. "I've got the training funds, I just might have pushed too hard."

"How so?" He asked.

Chuck and Marvin Trent, the gunner, were talking about which was better, a Mustang or a Firebird, so I tuned them out.

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