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If you're a long time fan of the series, or read the synopsis for the later books, you know that Bomber and Stillwater both survived Desert Storm.

However, Cromwell acts as if they are dead in this book. The reason is simple: Most of Actual was killed in Desert Storm. Groom, Gilly, Sawmoth, Hendricks, and many others. Foster survived, but was seriously injured and put out the military. Hannah Lane, of course, survived with no real lasting effects from her injuries. Nancy Nagle and Stokes were injured, same with Cromwell. Little-Bit barely managed to stay in service. Taggart has retired to her farm with her husband and 3 children.

The reason that the core female soldiers survived has to do with the fact they're medically trained and Actual had a LOT of casualties.

Cromwell herself supervised Bomber and Stillwater being laid into the bodybags, and zipped them up herself.

But, like it's been repeated through the whole series: "Those two are harder to kill than a shit-house rat."

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