Mud and (Simulated) Blood

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15th FSB Motorpool
Fort Hood, Texas
14 October, 1991

"Chief, come with me," Captain Jane snapped as she stomped past me in the rain, mud and rainwater splashing up from her boots as we walked across the open field behind the motorpool. I just silently followed, following her winding course between the vehicles idling in the darkness of the Texas morning.

At 0300 the "alert" had gone out. Charlie had loaded their vehicles, drawn their gear, and had taken their vehicles out the back gate of the motorpool and waited in the field across the street by 0400.

The soldiers of Charlie were locked and loaded, packed and racked, in smooth practiced movements. Sitting silently in the vehicles according to the loadout that Captain Jane, First Sergeant Rameriz, and I had drawn up and then had them practice.

Nobody else was even close. Alpha was loading their vehicles, but Bravo and HHC were still drawing weapons and secure items.

Out in front of our Advance Party vehicles, Humvee-Five at the lead, was standing a small group of people. The night was brightly lit by the headlights of all the vehicles, so I still had my sunglasses on due to the brightness. I could tell it was the BNCO, BNXO, the various 1SG's from Alpha, Bravo, HHC, and our own Charlie, as well as the other CO's.

When I reached the little group I tried to stay back, but Captain Jane looked back at me and made a sharp motion so that I stood between her and 1LT Johnson, Charlie's XO. Colonel Krait stared at everyone, and when his gaze reached me he frowned.

"Sunglasses off, Chief Cromwell," he snapped.

"It's bright, sir," I said.

Captain Jane nudged my foot with hers, then raised her open hand. She then closed her fist.

All of Charlie's vehicles shut off, the headlights going out. Silence descended.

Now it was dim enough that I had trouble making people out.

"Take them off, Chief," Captain Jane said.

I sighed, reaching up and taking off my sunglasses, everyone's features clear as a Texas dawn.

"Jesus," the CO from Alpha Company, one Captain Arthur, swore, stepping back.

"Uh, Chief," 1SG Hardwick from Alpha Company said, "Are you aware your eyes are glowing?"

I nodded slowly, then blinked slow. "Yes, First Sergeant, known medical condition," I sighed, "This is one of the reasons I wear the sunglasses at all times. Line of duty injury to my corneas, I've got a permanent profile."

Colonel Krait swallowed as I reached into my pocket then shook his head, holding out his hand to stop me. "Nevermind, Chief, you're not the type to lie about things."

That startled me. I'd expected Krait to examine the profile with a microscope and six JAG lawyers, not just hand-wave it away.

"What I'm seeing out here is unacceptable," Colonel Krait just started out of the blue.

Oh shit, here it comes...

"I suggest checking over Charlie's vehicles," The CO from Bravo, a short little bow legged Captain Hiddle who looked like a gnome had had sexual relations with an inbred pygmy, suggested with a nasty tone to his voice. "I'll wager they didn't load everything up."

I opened my mouth, ready to snap his little head off and kick it over the fence of the motorpool when Captain Jane kicked my boot again.

Colonel Krait looked at the Captain, turning his head slowly. After a second of staring at the smaller man he shook his head.

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