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Merle's Wrecking Yard
Lampasas, Texas
Friday, 11 October, 1991

The mechanic looked up from the block, his brown eyes intrigued. "It's in pretty good shape for an 223 inline," he said. He tapped it, the expression on his pock-marked face serious. "You sure you want it rebored?"

"It's got some serious wear. Needs a little loving, figured I could trust a man like you to core it out," I grinned at him. He smiled back but tapped his ring finger against the block, letting me see the gold band. "Hey, if'n ya can keep a wife happy, ya oughta be able to handle a little boring and sheathing, right?" I laughed crudely and he joined me, smiling. Captain Misty Jane was blushing bright red at the flirting.

"So, rebuild?" He asked, still smiling. "Good looking engine for a good looking woman?"

I nodded, "Please."

"It'll take me till Monday, I'm gonna close up in like an hour," He said. "I can rebuild it. You going for speed or power?"

"It goes in my truck," I told him, leaning against the counter. "I rebuilt Blackrazor out there for speed, I want power and torque for my truck. He'll be a good work truck."

He nodded at that, "How about the tranny?"

"Gonna regear it and the pumpkin this weekend," I told him.

"Where'dya  get tha parts?" He asked.

I snorted. "Auto-parts store."

He shook his head, "Them'll rip ya off slicker than goose shit, honey," He told me. "Tell ya what, I call real soon and I can get ya some good part Fed-Ex'd out here by morning. Ya wanna come on out here, I can have the wrecker pull yer truck."

"You sure you wanna let me use your tools?" I asked.

"Yer a good farm-girl, Heather," He grinned. "You buy the parts for your rigs from me, I'll let ya use my shop."

"I'd like that," I told him, "Yer girl won't come at me with a shotgun, will she?"

He shook his head. "Naw. It'll be good. I can have my brother pick up yer truck with the wrecker tomorrow morning after we open, you can come on out here and work."

I looked at Misty and grinned, turning back to him, "I'm taking my friend out on the town tonight. Tell ya what, I'll sign the papers, you pick it up, and I'll come in about noon."

He gave me a knowing smile. "Gonna go out and get wrecked, huh?"

"Only if he's up to it," I laughed. He laughed with me and slid the papers for a tow over. "I got no problem with the fifty bucks for the tow, gas costs money."

He bobbed his head. "Thanks for that," he said. "Around noon it is."

"Thanks," I said, then turned to Misty, "You need anything here, Misty?"

She shook her head, still blushing.

"Let's go," I said. "Thanks again, Billy-Joe," I called out.

"See you tomorrow, Heather!" He hollered back as I pushed open the door.

The rain was still coming down as we walked to the car.

"You seemed awfully... friendly," Misty said as I opened the door.

I grinned at her. "He's a rugged looking man, Misty," I told her. I slid into the bucket seat, grabbing the harness. "He's got that healthy good look I find appealing."

She shook her head.

I clicked my harness, then turned to her. "He works at a wrecking yard. That means he's strong, he's got a good honest face, and obviously he's attractive."

Texas Nights - Book 13 of the Damned of the 2/19thWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu