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MEDDAC FORM 508 Rev 2 - 1989
Service Member: Cromwell, Heather A.
SSN: 521-14-0831
DOB: 19 Sep 1968
DOE: 19 Sep 1985
MOS: 91Z01
Rank: WO1
Date: 23 Dec 1991

Patient Synopsis

Service Member is being treated for severe PTSD, Bipolar with violent extremes, night terrors, extreme physical trauma recovery, explosive rage, violent tendencies, homicidal impulses, and suicidal idealization.

Service Member was exposed to extensive time stationed at a hardship posting (Excess of 3 year tour of duty) (See Attached File) under constant enemy threat and operations. Service Member was exposed to lethal environments on an extensive basis for an extensive period of time. Service member was critically wounded four times in Line of Duty operations (See Attached Files) as well as endured lengthy and extensive reconstruction and physical therapy. Service Member suffers isolation at current duty station due to physical fitness and appearance (See Attached Photos) as well as history. Service Member suffers from trust and bonding issues due to loss of previous mission team during Operation Desert Storm.

Service Member has previously reported that she still suffers from depressive episodes, desire to return to alcohol abuse, night terrors, hyper-alertness, mood swings, crying episodes, extreme loneliness, body dysmorphia (see attached photos) due to physical scarring, survivor's guilt, and urges toward violence toward self and others.

Service Member is being treated with medication and therapy and is responding quite well to her treatment plan. Recently, Service Member has entered in a heterosexual relationship with an enlistedman outside of her chain of command and battalion.

Service Member presents as a highly driven, aloof yet approachable officer who values her enlisted subordinates and fellow officers and upper enlisted as well. Service Member had subordinates concerned with her well being recently after her exposure to BZ during a mission (See Attached File) which shows that she is valued by her fellow service members. Emotionally Service Member presents as calm, collected, and unflappable. Physically Service Member is imposing, with a scarred face, lightly luminous purple eyes (See Attached Profile and File), and heavily muscled physique. Professionally, Service Member presents as motivated, driven, and adaptable.

Physician's Notes

Heather was referred to me by Depot 532 Medical Center for extreme psychological damage. She had completed Basic Warrant Candidate School as well as MOS training and decertification following her release from Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and her psychological profile had deviated from standard, within waiverable tolerances.

Heather was trending nicely along her treatment plan when deployment orders interrupted her treatment. I must stress that I feel that her return to Active Deployable Status is in error despite her high performance. I feel that a single loss of life on her team will undo all therapy she has undergone since arriving at Fort Hood.

Heather recently entered a heterosexual actively sexual relationship with a tanker who is also being treated for PTSD (See Attached File), and her progress in her treatment has improved. While she still complains of loneliness, the complaints have shifted from "crushing" to "maudlin" in her own descriptions. When asked about homosexual sexual relations Heather showed the unconscious habit of sniffing her fingertips and grimacing (See Attached File) which means her trauma from that event is still unresolved and is additionally complicated by the fact that her (previously) homosexual lover was killed in action in Iraq despite her best efforts as her team medical.

Captain Jane, Heather's CO, has privately advised me that she worries about Heather's mental and emotional state. Heather is prone to staring off into space for long moments when not actively engaged in physical or mental activities. Captain Jane has also voiced concerns over Heather's physical fitness regimen. Captain Jane has also expressed concern over Heather's "drive and determination", however it is, in my opinion, simply an extension of Heather's conviction to "not get knocked up in High School and end up living in a trailer park with 12 snotty brats and a drunken abuser for a husband" that inspired her to remain a virgin until after military service entry.

Physician Recommendation

In my professional opinion Heather is progressing nicely with her treatment. Many of the worst of the emotional and psych injuries are healing better than projected.

I must insist, as her primary Mental Heath Technician, that she and her team be removed from Active Deployment Status and placed on Standby Non-Deployment Status. The military has invested a significant monetary and time investment in Heather, and the loss of her experience and skill would not be in service of the United States military.

I will be reducing the frequency of Heather's visits from twice a week to once a week except for emergencies. I will see Heather next week.

--Major Harvey Danville, US Army Active, 532 Depot Medical Center

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