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Room 275
15th FSB Barracks
Fort Hood, Texas
20 December, 1991

The knock was quick and I whipped open the door with a smile. Chuck Steward stood on the other side, grinning at me. His blue eyes sparkled as I squealed with delight, grabbed his wrist, and pulled him into the room. I kicked the door shut as I gathered him up, pulled his head down, and kissed him, pushing my tongue into his mouth hungrily.

"What's with the guy in chair?" he asked me when the kiss broke. I leaned back, holding onto his waist and looking up at him.

I looked over to where some poor bastard from Alpha Company was sitting in a chair against the wall, next to my desk, trying to ignore everything.

"CO and Battalion Commander is making him watch me. I'm a little unstable," I admitted, then smiled widely. On the 'watch me' part I put my arms in a V, my hands down by my crotch, and flexed, bouncing my tits.

"Yeah, your eyes are kinda bright," he said, smiling back.

"We just got back. Kinda lost it in the CO's office," I giggled. "My whole team's considered a risk, so we've all got people who have to watch us."

He threw a mock salute at the guy from Alpha, who was sitting in the chair looking bored in the dark. "Glad your back. Didja have fun?" He asked me.

I laughed, aware of how brittle it sounded. "Oh yeah. Can't talk about it though," I told him.

He just nodded. "Yeah, I figured," he kissed me again and I melted into his arms.

"You know you're naked, right?" he asked me after the kiss broke.

"Yup," I smiled at him. I stepped back then ran my hands down my body, shimmying, which set my fat tits to swaying. He laughed and reached forward to cup my breasts.

"So, you back for awhile?" He asked.

"Less talk, more kissing," I said, grabbing his head and pulling it down. I growled against his lips, tightening my grip around his ribs tight enough I heard his back pop as I pushed my tongue into his mouth. I shifted to grind my crotch against his hip.

The kiss broke and I stared up at him, smiling.

"Have you showered?" he asked me, touching my cheek.

"Yeah," I lied, then giggled uncontrollably.

He looked at the guy from Alpha who shrugged. "I guess. They stood in the rain for about ten minutes out there."

"Snitch," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Out there?" He looked back at me. "Heather, it's like forty degrees out there."

"Don't care. Liked it," I told him.

"Get some PT's, a towel, and your shampoo and soap," he told me.

I pouted. "Don't wanna. Fuck first."

He shook his head. "You smell bad."

I lifted my fingers up and pushed them in his mouth right as he finished speaking. He hadn't seen my run my fingers up my slit.

"Taste. Gimme," I said, sliding down him. My hands went to is belt but he grabbed my hands.

"Can I take her in and give her a shower?" Chuck asked the guy from Alpha Company.

"I have to go too," he said. He sounded vaguely depressed about it.

"What, you don't want to see my tits all wet?" I asked him. "Gay?" He shook his head. "It's cool if you are. It's cool if you wanna watch too," I pulled a fluffy towel out of my locker and tossed it at him, then tossed a washrag. "Here, catch, you can cum in it if you wanna jack off while you watch me shower."

Texas Nights - Book 13 of the Damned of the 2/19thWhere stories live. Discover now