Lessons Learned

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Charlie Company TOC
Battalion Aid Station
15th FSB Operations Area
Field Site 32
Fort Hood, Texas
14 October, 1991

I pushed into the tent, following Donovan, squinting against the light. I pulled my sunglasses off my neck and slid them on before I looked around the tent. Red light was being used to preserve night vision, but it was still bright to me.

Colonel Krait, Captain Jane, 1SG Ramirez, SFC Gable, and Major Cribb were all sitting in chairs and looking at me expectantly. Surprisingly, the Ranger was sitting there too. Muddy and still smeared with camo stick, but sitting there with a big grin.

"Have a seat, Chief," Captain Jane said.


I took a seat, motioning at Donovan to stand next to PFC Wallace, who was chewing gum and listening to the battalion radio net on a set of headphones. Donovan leaned against the tent wall, staring off into space while I sat down.

"Go ahead, Chief," Colonel Krait said, handing me an empty soda can. "Smoke 'em if ya got 'em."

"Thank you, sir," I said, putting the soda can against my crotch and digging out my cigarettes.

Major Cribb was looking at me speculatively as I lit my cigarette. I put the pack and lighter away and turned to the Ranger. All of them but Captain Jane were giving me the look like they'd never seen me before.

"Snitch," I accused. He just laughed at me, waving his hand.

"Guilty as charged, Chief," He said. "Revenge is sweet."

"Major Roberts was merely informing us of certain events he was present for," Colonel Krait said. "As well as the kind of soldiers and conditions you were trained under."

"He's still a snitch," I said, but smiled to take the sting out of it.

"Like I said, guilty as charged," the black Ranger grinned wider. "I dropped all kinds of dimes on you, Chief," his grin got wider, "When you remember me, you'll know why I decided to indulge in some vindictive revenge."

I stuck my tongue out at him. SGM Ferris chuckled. SFC Gable looked vaguely insulted.

"Hey, if nothing else, you can't blame me for wanting a little payback after you made my men look like chumps all day," He said. He shook his head, "To be honest, it'll be good for my men. We went in fat, dumb, and happy because you're REMFs and we're Rangers, and your men ripped our heads off and sent us home to mama. It was like you had our playbook, and my men need reminded that other people have the amazing super power of literacy and access to our doctrine."

Colonel Krait nodded slowly. He looked at me. "You've been using Ranger tactics in your training, Chief?"

"Yes. sir," I nodded. "Why use the tactics of second best? Second place is just the first loser. Ranger and the rest of the snake eaters have lots of training doctrine for working with medical personnel. I just adapted it to the needs of Charlie Company."

"Sounds like it took a lot of time, Chief, to create that kind of doctrine changes. Why didn't you bring in anyone else on your work?" Major Cribbs asked. "I'm sure some of your fellow officers would help you write up any training and doctrine."

I blinked, staring at him.

"Because she doesn't have a time machine," the Ranger laughed. He turned to me. "Major Cribb thought you'd come up with some new doctrine that you didn't let him put his name on too. You're a new officer, Chief, you'll realize soon enough how important it is to put your name on doctrine changes, reports, and analysis."

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