Her cheeks filled with a deep shade of red, but she immediately became happier.

The car ride was quite short from the airport to our house. Although, it felt like an eternity. Turning into our development's parking lot brought a new burst of energy into me.

I never realized how hard it was to be away from Niall for so long. It may have only been a few weeks, but I couldn't find a way to stop thinking about him. I hope he's not too busy tonight. Maybe I could try and see him.

The driver let us out of the black SUV and helped us get all our overpacked luggage. Fortunately, there were no paparazzi around. We were able to peacefully get our stuff and go.

"We'll be back soon." Laren waved us off.

"Right. See you soon."

I watched as the can took off filled with Lauren and Ela and three security guards

The elevator ride was endless.

"My feet fu-" Maura began but was stopped.

"Stop right there Maura and finish that sentence in your head."

The quiet ding of the elevator opened the doors and immediately I smelled something delicious.

"What the?" I began but stopped.

The real shock came when we realized there were 5 handsome chefs standing behind the counter.

"Well, looks like guests have arrived. Shall we serve them?" Louis asked the boys.

"We shall." Liam replied with a cheesy grin.

And there he was. Smiling with a giddy smile and a stupid apron.

"Welcome back." He said to the three of us girls. But I had a feeling it was only meant for me.

With that, we all dropped our bags and ran to them.

I was engulfed with warmth as Niall wrapped his pale arms around me. His muscles clenched slowly as I completely relaxed into his chest.

"Niall." I mumbled into his chest not ever wanting to forget this moment.

He kisses the top of my head so slightly that I barely even felt it.

"Did you like my movie?" He questioned resting his head into the nook of neck.

" I loved it." I pulled away from his chest and kissed the lips I have been missing so much. They were the same minty taste I have been craving.

"Alexa, I have missed you so much."

Ela's POV

"Why wouldn't Melinda tell us that she already went grocery shopping? That women I swear-"

"Ela," Lauren interrupted me. "Why do you even question Melinda? The women is insane." Lauren rubbed her palm against her cheek in dissatisfaction.

"I know. But still."

The elevator engulfed in a peaceful silence.

"I'm proud of you Ela. All the girls are. You've come along way."

I turned over to see one of my smiling best friends. "I don't know what I'd do without you all." I whispered.

She nodded. We all felt the same.

The elevator opened and immediately I was hot with a wave of something that smelt good. Really good.

Laurens eyebrow raised suspiciously.

"They cooked?"

We both turned as a deep voice cleared their throat.

"Depends on who "they" is." Liam beamed over at us.

'Li!" Lauren gushed and took off running. I shielded my eyes from their passionate embrace not wanting to intrude.

Scanning my surroundings I saw rementants of the boys' things. It must've been them that got us groceries. Which means that Harry is here. My stomach flipped.

"Hello to you to Ela." Liam interrupted me from my thoughts as he joking pushed Lauren off his arm and brought me into a bear hug.

"Hey Li." I gladly accepted the hug.

"I'm not mentioning any names here but someone has been missing you something awful." He whispered in my ear as we continued our hug.

I felt my cheeks heat up.

"You're just saying that." I mumbled embarressed but somewhat pleased. Maybe Harry did miss me. Maybe he was talking about me to the boys.

"Don't be a butt Ela!" Suddenly his warm  embraced turned as his shoved me into his armpit and started playfully tapping at my head.

"Do you see this Laur?" I heard Karen giggle from the side. "Ela is being a butt!"

I whacked against Liam's hard side. "Liam! You're the butt! Lemme go!"

He only gripped me tighter and moved his hands to my sides and started tickling me.

An unattractive outcry of a mix of a laugh and a snort escaped my lips. I'm sure I looked possessed or something strange.

"Liam!!!" I screeched, hiccupping at my lack of air.

"Okay fine. Here you take her Harry."

My heart stopped. He was my boyfriend. He's been my boyfriend. Was it normal to still get this reaction from the mention if Harry?

I didn't have much time to think though as suddenly all too framialr large hands gripped my sides and hoisted me over his shoulder.

"You go Harry!" Lauren cheered as I belted out another unattractive laugh.

"My girlfriend comes home from Japan and the first person she greets is Liam?!" He faked played hurt. I could tell he was joking as he bounced me around.

"I didn't know you were here!" I snorted out through laughs. I also noticed we seemed to be traveling down the hall. Within moments my door was opened to my room.

"Oh sure love. Leave old Harry in the dust."

Gleefully I was sprung off his shoulder and plopped on my large king size bed. My laughter wouldn't cease. Which made it even better because I thought upon seeing Harry or would be awkward but here I am barely even to catch my breath from all the giggles.

He smiled down at me as he waited for me to catch my breath. I did but lost it again as he slowly leaned over me, his knee rested in between my legs and his arms close to my shoulders.

"Welcome back." He whispered mere centimeters away from my lips.

"I missed you." I blurted out, mentally slapping myself for the lack of self control.

"I missed you to."

Gracefully and rushed his lips matched mine as his eyelashes tickled my skin and his nose nudged my cheek.

After a minute passed by, Harry clenched my cheeks between his soft hands and stared at me. His thumb traced my lips waiting to have another kiss, but before he leaned in, he said one more thing.

"I love you."

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