"Hey man, I'm Emery, but you can call me Em." And he nods at me. Harry then steps up and holds his hand out to shake.

"Hi, I'm Harry. Nice to meet you." They both shake hands.

"Nice to meet you too. Y'all skateboard?" Neil asks us. We both nod.

"Yeah, but this is for my son, Luke. He wants to have another skateboard and so I thought that I might as well go all out, ya know?" Harry tells Neil. Neil nods in an understanding way and he and Harry start to talk about the designs that they are going to add on there. I just sit there and watch Harry talk, his beautiful pink lips moving along with the words he's saying.

His deep voice interrupts my thoughts as he take sky hands in his.

"Ready to go, babe?" He asks me. And I nod.

"Nice meeting you, Neil!" I shout out and he screams a 'you too' back at me.

We've been out for hours now and it's probably around 5 o'clock.

We are back at the house and walk into the door as Harry and I are bombarded by Luke's music. Him and Gemma are dancing in the living room and I can't help but laugh.

Harry and I sneak past them and into the attic where we hide the stuff and start wrapping it.

After we're finished, Harry says he has to go somewhere and so me and Luke just stay here with Gemma and bake cookies.

Around the time that Harry gets back, Luke is asleep and so is Gemma. They both went into their rooms and I went it mine.

I sat there on the bed listening to music until I hear someone knocking on my door.

I go to open it and as soon as I do, Harry has already picked me up off the floor and he smashed his lips against mine. We kiss roughly at first as he pushes me against the wall but then softens the kiss.

We end up going to the bed and he removes his clothes and so do I. But before I start to think about what I'm doing, he cuts off my thoughts.

"Don't worry, we're not going all the way. I'm just gonna make you feel real good." He says to me in a low seductive whisper.

He tugs on my panties and then he slides his hands into them and starts to finger me intensely.

I moan loudly and I hope that Gemma and Luke don't wake up. He starts to grab one of my boobs and squeezes it softly, making me gasp.

"Da-daddy!" I say as I reach down into his boxers and grab his erection.

He groans deeply and I tug on his hair with my other hand, still rubbing his length.

We both entertain each other until we reach our climaxes and hit our highs.

"Oh my god!" We both day in unison and we both come undone.

After we come down from our high, I walk into my bathroom to soak in the bath. I use one of my lavender bathbombs and also drop some bubble bath liquid into the now boiling water.

I slide into the bath and jumped from the pain of the heat, but then relaxation overcomes it.

As soon as I'm fully comfortable, I get my beats and put them over my head and over my ears, listening to my favorite rappers.

After I get out, Harry is there in my bed laying down and watching a movie.

I walk over to my dresser and pull out some black spandex underwear with a black bra. I also take out a baggy olive green shirt and slide it over my head along with my bra and slip on my panties.

I go over to my bed and slip into the covers next to Harry. We lay there in silence until Harry cuts the tv off and pulls me into a bigger embrace.

"Merry Christmas." He says to me while nuzzling into my neck.

I look over at the clock and it is 12:06 a.m.

"Merry Christmas to you too." I say back.

Then I fall fast asleep.

Then I fall fast asleep

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