I've been taking all my prenatal vitamins and eating healthy...at times and Carmen gave me a bunch of books and videos and she's even been dragging me to mommy classes it was all so overwhelming on top of that I've been trying to hide my baby bump as I was starting to show and gain more weight...I was getting use to it but my body was just in so much pain and I felt sick all the time to a point where it felt like it wasn't normal and was getting kind of scary. Being pregnant was starting to humble me and open my eyes to everything in the past that happened it made me mature I was beginning to feel like my old self again and the music was just flowing like it was nothing. We took a break drinking lemonade as I sat in the rocking chair exhausted and she sat on the floor "so have you thought about names" "Hmm I don't know.." "do you think it's a boy or girl" "definitely a girl all this pain on my body it has to be" "I think it's gonna be a girl too! oh my gosh that reminds me we have to plan your baby shower" "oh no no Carmen I don't wanna do all that I'm really trying to keep this on the low" "So we will discuss this later I'll give you another month."  I still couldn't believe I was having a baby I was just still in debate rather I tell him or not.


I put on my over sized sweater and tried jumping into my jeans "ughhh!" I had a radio interview this morning I have no idea why I agreed to do it I wasn't in the mood but I've been off the radar these past few months except for with the music. I turned to the side making sure I wasn't showing and that I was covered good enough. I grabbed everything I needed and walked out to the car. It was a cold snowy day  I just wanted to lay down and eat.


Radio Host: Today in the studio we have the beautiful Rose here joining us today

Ro: Helloo

Radio: You've been MIA on us so first off we all saw you when you first started and we saw how you changed and now it seems like after you and P had your break up which we are all shocked about you two were such a great couple but now your back to the old you does Prince have an affect on that...why did this happen?

Ro: I was looking back the other day and I realized I wasn't liking who I was seeing I was letting all the fame and everything get to my head and it just happened so fast I never had the chance to step back and look what I was doing and I was losing friends and so on....yes Prince and I are broken up but things happen for a reason and as for me i'm just me again plain old Rose and i'm happy. But I have been dropping songs here and there i'm always writing who knowss maybe I am working on my next albumm

Radio:Well we are excited for whatever you put out ..Now There was a lot of speculation that the cause of your break up was Prince cheating on you do you hate him for this is there anything you want to say?

Ro: No I have nothing negative to say at all about him..he taught me so many things and I loved that I could learn from him and like every HUMAN being people have their flaws and although what we had was great at the time sometimes things just don't work out we've excepted that. I will always love him for him and what he's done but like I said I have nothing negative to say he isn't a bad person and he did not cheat on me. He just is who he is and I trust him to do exactly what he's gonna do and I think our fans should accept that as well.

Why was I lying and covering to protect him ONCE AGAIN when I wanted to just scream and hurt him like he hurt me who knows because I didn't want the reputation of my child to grow up and see the reputation their father had because one day they were gonna grow up and see all of this and simply just to respect both our privacy  I didn't want to cause drama and have everyone in our business not like they already weren't and I mean it was true he wasn't a bad person he just did things that were bad and hurtful at times. It just wasn't worth it trashing him in an interview like I said being a mother has been changing me in so many ways.

Radio: Going deeper..we've been seeing on social media rumors that you may be pregnant...we've even seen pictures of you going to mom classes 

I took a deep breath how disrespectful just mind your own business this isn't something you bring up.

Ro: No I am not..I was going with a friend for moral support that's all 

Radio:Do you think you would have  wanted to be a mom?

Ro: lets just leave that where we left it

Radio: Alrightyyy then moving on here we are about to play Rose's two new singles Rose care to tell what these songs are about before we play them.

Ro: Up first is a song I wrote called W.A.Y.S and that stands for "why aren't you smiling?" and when I was dealing with stuff basically it just means why aren't you living you gotta keep moving forward just don't stop yourself smile because it'll be ok in the end. The other song the worst is about believing in somebody despite what goes on around you guys you trust in that person and they just do you like everyone said in the end anyways and that can really hurt a person

Radio: Sounds really deep so is your new album going to be based around break ups 

Ro: not at all maybe a few here and there but its more so just about finding yourself and whatever im feeling in the time I could write a song about how hungry I am it just is what it is the music writes itself.

Radio: Nice I feel you on that lets get into it thank you so much for taking time out to join us Rose

They turned the mics off and begin playing my two new songs

---------------------------4 months----------------

Carmen and I went shopping around at babys R Us today looking at all the cute little baby stuff she helped me set all the stuff up and get things together then she had to go pick her son up and I was at the house all by myself. I walked to the kitchen with my song book to go make some tea and brain storm some baby names..I leaned on my counter flipping through the book I stopped when I saw all the to do stuff I had planned out for the wedding and all my ideas...I flipped some more seeing all the songs I wrote when I was in love...a tear fell onto the paper in that moment I decided it was fair and best if I told Prince about the baby and we come up with a solution to try and work things out and whatever happens happens..if I had to do this on my own so be it.

I got myself together taking a deep breath I grabbed my car keys and headed towards my door..when I opened my door my heart dropped into my stomach my face went pale , my hands got clammy, it was like seeing a ghost but before I could react I was sent to the floor in pain "hello old friend.." I was punched hard sending me flying back onto the ground...it was my ex Christopher...how in the hell did he find me ..I trembled scooting myself back as fear took over my body..."I know you didn't think you could run away from me that easily how dare you leave me!" he slammed my door walking over "H..how did you find me?" "a little friend of yours by the name of Mayte.." that little bitch at this point I wanted her dead....he grabbed me by my hair dragging me to the kitchen I was able to get back to my feet and try to fight back but I was smacked onto the counter hitting my head......he attacked me going on forever..I laid on the floor in my blood all I could think about was my baby..I cried on the floor feeling weak and bruised I wiped the blood from my nose turning over kicking him getting him on the ground we wrestled around and he tried pulling a gun out on me...he missed me with the first shot ..but soon after I felt a piercing pain go through my arm. "AHHH!" "if I can't have you nobody can you think you can run off and do what you've been doing! TO ME?!" I ran grabbing a knife he ran behind and grabbed me choking me I was able to slam him into a wall by now my whole house was a mess...I grabbed his gun shooting his leg and he fell back off me I turned around stabbing him he fell on the floor....and all I could think of was how scared of him I was..and I was tired of the running and hiding..I aimed the gun and ended him...I dropped it passing out onto the floor crying out for help..I crawled to my door and right as I opened it guns were pointing towards me "POLICE FREEZE !" "helpp..!" they dropped their weapons calling for an ambulance..........Mayte you have it coming bitch.

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