🎄Tamaki Saves Christmas

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"Why do you still have your hood up? It's not cold in here."

"I can't take it off this time of year..." He mumbled as if the reasons were obvious, but didn't clarify enough to satisfy Hado's curiosity. With a humorous "tch", she yanked the hood down. Not three seconds passed before-

"Hey look!" A group of young boys pointed in Amajiki's direction.

"Wow! It's one of Santa's elves!"

Amajiki shot Hado a contemptuous exhausted gaze.

"Oh... that's why..." Nejire realized her mistake.

"Hey!" The three boys crowded around Tamaki, causing him to physically cringe. "Did Santa get my letter yet?" The little blonde one tugged at Amajiki's sleeve. "I want the new quirk-powered skateboard!" The shy teen's eye twitched and he groaned internally. "Also, tell him my brother has been mean to me all year, as usual, and he should be on the naughty list." Mirio muffled a laugh with his hand.

"You're awfully tall for an elf." Another boy said. "Do you have trouble standing up straight in Santa's workshop? Is that why you hunch so much?" Tamaki pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Why do you look so grumpy?"


"Pestering people in public is grounds for the naughty list..." He replied flatly.

"I thought elves were supposed to be cheerful!" The spikey haired one accused, and Mirio visibly watched Tamaki's mood plummet.

"Now now." Mirio stepped in to improvise and steer Tamaki out of the sticky situation. "My friend here is just tired from making toys. This is their busiest month you know, and you should be grateful for his efforts."

"Aw... I guess you're right." The boys' guilt was visible on their faces.

"We're sorry, Mr. elf!" And with that, they went about their business. Mirio patted Tamaki on the back.

"Can we go home now..." He squeaked.

"We just got here, Tamaki!" Nejire was smiling ear to ear from that humorous ordeal.

"I need to step out for some air..." Amajiki put his hood back up immediately, stepping out into the evening flurries. He leaned his back against a wall between the buildings, rather secluded from the hustle and bustle near the front entrances. The cold air was refreshing on his face, and he exhaled deeply, seeing his breath form a translucent cloud before him.

"P-please..." A tiny voice tickled his sensitive eardrums. "I'm not asking for money... I just need a stamp to mail a letter."

"For the last time, I don't give to beggars." A scrooge-like individual hollered back at her.

"Please! My dad-"

"I said get lost!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Amajiki saw a very small girl run in his direction, huddling close to the wall and crying. She must not have been aware of his presence, for she curled into a ball only several feet away from him. 'Is she alone?' Tamaki wondered, scouting the vicinity with his eyes. He couldn't just stand by and not help her; it wouldn't be heroic. He decided to approach her, but when she looked up at him, his anxiety spiked. He had no idea how to talk to little kids.

"Uh...uhm.... H-hello..." The teen whispered softly. She stared at him. 'Oh god, I already messed up! What did I say wrong?!'

"Hi..." He knelt down in front of her and there was a moment of silence. However, it felt like a painful eternity to Tamaki.

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