☁️Dominant!Amajiki x Reader: Off the Cuff

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"What brings you here to my House of Intuition?" She asked.

"If she were really psychic, wouldn't she already know that?" He muttered under his breath, receiving a reprimanding elbow in the ribcage from Hado. "Ow!"

"I came for a reading." Nejire said brightly.

"Well come on in, dearie." She gestured her back, glancing at the tall boy expectantly.

"Are you coming in with me?" Hado asked, and for a moment, he actually contemplated it, but decided to remain with his pride intact.

"I'll be out here..."

He waited in the little corner designated for reading, awkwardly positioned atop the impractically large beanbag chair. He flipped through a book on chakras and energies to keep himself occupied before another piece of literature caught his attention. 'How to Read Your Crush' was the title. Amajiki glanced away briefly, perhaps trying to convince himself that he wasn't at all curious about such things. 'I'm sure it's all subjective.' He scoffed. 'No scientific evidence or anything...' His hand drifted over to it, deliberately slowly, as if to appear casual in his interest- even though nobody was watching. 'I don't believe in any of this hokum, so this is strictly for... research purposes...'

He flipped through the pages, mind soaking up as many little tips as possible before someone could walk in the store and catch him reading it. It began with the usual, cues on body language and such, but then there came a chapter about flirting tips. As he expected, many of the strategies mentioned were interactions he knew he was incapable of pulling off. He blushed at the mere thought of trying any of these courtship behaviors on you. Aaaand now he was blushing harder at the word 'courtship.' Without him knowing it, a considerable amount of time had passed and the beaded doorway jingled, signaling Hado's emergence from the back room. It startled him and he fumbled to toss the book as far out of arms reached as possible.

"Hey Tama-"

"NOTHING!" He exclaimed for no reason and then became terribly embarrassed. 'Oh god, that was really suspicious!'

"Uh..." She tilted her head at him. "Ooo...kay? ...Are you ready to go?"

"Y-yeah..." He cleared his throat and brushed himself off in a half-assed attempt to restore some former dignity.

"Great! I wanna tell you about my fortune!" Lucky for him, Nejire was very obtuse, letting his shameful literature choice off the hook for now. As they turned to leave, they heard a voice.

"One moment." The psychic said, stopping them in their tracks. "I have something for the young skeptic." She gestured directly to Tamaki. He felt a swell of panic, appearing as a deer in the headlights. 'Oh no! Did she hear what I said earlier from all the way over there?! Her hearing must be even better than mine!'

"Don't look so frightened, child." She crouched behind the counter. "I just wanted to give you something." She handed him a little wooden box, and upon hesitantly opening it, Tamaki noted a tribal-looking wooden arm cuff nestled in velvet.

"...A bracelet?" He made a face of pure confusion. "I don't... uh..."

"Just take it." She insisted. "We'll make a believer out of you yet, wont we, Nejire?" She winked at the young girl playfully.

"Um... wh-what do I do with it?"

"Whatever you want to, sugar. ...Maybe it will help you win over the special lady in your life." She peered up at him with a knowing smile and Tamaki began to stammer, unable to form coherent sentences. He flushed red, eyes wide as saucepans.

My Hero Academia: OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon