☁️Amajiki x Reader: Forward

Start from the beginning

"Party?" Amajiki mumbled towards the floor.

"Yeah. You all are coming, aren't you?" Hado and Mirio nodded. You turned back to Amajiki. "You'll be my date, right Tamaki?" To which you just received an exasperated whine.

You turned on your heels, leaving them alone. 'He'll come around.' You told yourself with a confident smile, wiggling with excitement for this evening's upcoming events.


"Hey guys! I'm so glad you came!" You gave each of the three a welcoming hug, lingering a little longer on Tamaki. He must have mentally prepared for it because he wasn't as flustered as usual. To the contrary, he was almost a little standoffish. You briefly wondered if Mirio had given him a pep talk, told him to loosen up or something.

Between munching on snacks and socializing, at some point you had lost track of your favorite person. Out on the dimly lit porch is where the majority of people dwelled, so you knew that's exactly where you wouldn't look for him.

Just as you suspected, you found him in the kitchen alone, perhaps hiding? It was no surprise, as you knew he wielded a strong distaste for crowds, especially ones that he did not know very well.

"Hi, Tamaki." You said softly, approaching him. He peered over his shoulder at you. "Are you having fun?"

"Uhm... yeah..." He sounded a little unsure about his answer so you gifted him an understanding smile.

"The crowd sure is noisy, huh?" You slid between him and the snack table. Finally a conversation he could relate to. He nodded. "Sometimes I just need a quick break from all the commotion, you know?"

"Y-yeah. I understand completely..." He smiled, noticing your quiet tone, being thoughtful of his feelings. Honestly, Tamaki was grateful. He had to give credit where credit is due. It was a strange, yet pleasant, contradiction to your other side. Generally in public, your flirting was- for lack of a better word- ruthless. But in quiet moments together like this, he felt that you truly cared for him, and he appreciated it.

"Are you hungry?" You examined the spread of food on the table. "Nejire made some dessert." You grabbed a small plate of it and slipped it into his hands gently, brushing his fingers as you did so.

"Oh. Th-thanks... I usually don't eat many sweets... since I developed my quirk and all..."

"Aw. I don't believe that." You grinned, meeting his midnight eyes. "Since you are what you eat, you must eat a lot of sweet treats."

He looked down and blushed. Okay... he had to admit, that one gave him butterflies. But it helped that there wasn't anyone else watching, and you had a warm genuine smile on your face, not the mischievous one you wore from time to time. But it also made him wonder why, if you were actually so gifted at reading him, that you choose to embarrass him so.

Before he had a chance to respond to your sweet comment, he was interrupted by a group of partygoers gathering to play truth or dare. Amajiki felt a rush of nerves. He had a bad feeling about this. He was never good before crowds, and doing intentionally embarrassing stuff in front of them didn't fall onto the list of things he considered fun.

"I... should probably get going..." He squeaked, wanting to avoid this atrocious game.

"Come on, Tamaki." A comforting hand graced his forearm. "Just play for a little while." You pouted your lips. "You haven't even had a chance to eat the desert I gave you."

That damn peer pressure constrained him once again and he sat next to you in the circle on the porch. But he swore to only stay until he finished his dessert, not a moment longer. You felt a mild pang of guilt sitting next to the unsuspecting ravenette. He had no idea of the scheme already put in place, nor his part to play in it. A few rounds went by, and the dares varied between mild and brutal in Tamaki's eyes. He was thankful that nobody really noticed him or cared to ask him to reveal his secrets. At last your friend smiled at you and asked:

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