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Leader: Moonshine- Gray and white she-cat. (7 lives left)

Deputy: Nightfoot- Gray tom with pure black paws.

Medicine cats: Starnight- Old half-blind black tom with white flecks and gold eyes.

Moonface- Black she-cat with a round golden face color down to her front legs.

Apprentice: Wolfclaw (Wolf-like pelt)

WARRIORS: Lunafur- Gray she-cat.

Moonrise- Black tom with gray patterns on legs 


Yellowmoon- Tabby and gray she-cat with moon yellow eyes. (Kits: Settingkit, (gray tom)  Risingkit, (gray she-kit) and Starkit (black she-kit with a large oval on her side surrounded by 4 small circles).)

Moonstripe- Black she-cat with gray stripes.

Elders: Shymeat- Very very old tuxedo tom.


Leader: Sunshine- Golden tabby tom with orange ears and a long stripe across the center of his body. (6 lives left)

Deputy: Skullstripe-extremely vicious (Seriously. Kills any cat that annoys or make her mad.) tabby she-cat. (She could probably kill a monster if she wanted to!)

Medicine cat: Littleleaf- small pure golden she-cat.

Warriors: Lightningpelt- Yellowish tom

Flamepelt- Looks like Firestar, but has amber eyes. (She-cat)

Queens: Firepelt- Reddish she-cat.

Other cats

Lunar- Black she-cat with white paws, belly, and tail tip.

Solar- White she-cat with a black muzzle, paws, belly, and tail tip.

Cupcake- Elderly black she-cat with white paws, belly, and tail tip.

Warriors: The Adoption of Duskclan: Lunar and SolarWhere stories live. Discover now