Chapter 16

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  "Nito," she said coolly, then remembered that he was going to be her only ride home. Her stomach turned at the thought of being so close to him, but she knew that she could disable him quickly if he tried anything, the two timing ane. "I'm done. I need to go."

   "Who was that?" he asked. Septi stared at him, shocked at his nerve.

   "My work. I need to go. Please, can you just take me back home?"

   "Will you stop being so evasive, damn it!"

   "Evasive?" she asked shrilly. "I'm not the one sneaking around and making-out with girls other than the one I brought. I'm not the one who thinks that every girl should willingly make a whore of herself because I asked her to!" Septi was hysterical, but at this point, she didn't care. "I want you to take me home, to my home, and then I don't care what you do." If only I had my knives, she thought, fighting tears. I could do some damage. I could make him know this pain that he caused me.

   "But you wanted it," he said stepping forward and taking her by the wrist. "Besides, I'm not the one who keeps secrets about who she is and what she does."

   "I do it to protect myself and my friends!" she snapped, jerking free. "Don't you dare touch me.”

   "Fine," he snapped back. "I'll take you home. Then it's all over."

   "What's over?" Septi retorted. "There never was anything to begin with." Oh, gods, she thought. Anger was causing her to tremble and all she wanted to do was inflict pain on him.  An angel, hm? Darned right. An angel of lies. He stared at her for a couple of moments and she continued to speak. "I bet you use those words all the time, don't you? To get desperate girls to do what you want, right? Well, Nito, in case you're wondering, I'm not desperate. I-"

   "Then why are you still a virgin? Why haven't you dated anyone since you came to the states? You're eighteen and attractive, not an old fat nun!"

   "I haven't seen the point in dating," she said, aware that her voice was going up several pitches. "Now take me home!"

   "Fine," he said, turning and walking quickly for the parking lot. Septi followed, fighting another wave of tears. Don't be such a girl, she thought. He's not worth it. Getting into the car, she vaguely noticed that he didn't open the door for her, and he had barely waited for her to get in and shut the door before he pulled out.

   They rode in silence for the entirety of the ride and when he pulled into the drive, he made no move to say good-bye. Septi got out and shut her door harder than necessary. Then she walked briskly to the door of the VI4C without looking back.

   Letting herself in she paused in the front hall to shed her shoes. Then she called out, to see where everyone was.

   "Hello? I'm home! Ferinequell? Mes? Raram?" Mes came down the hall and stopped dead, taking Septi in.

   "What happened?"

   "I'll tell you later," Septi said with a weak smile. "What does Ferinequell want me to do?"

   "Get changed, and then meet us in the library," Mes said, looking worried. "You okay?"

   "I will be," Septi said. "I have to be." With that she walked away, fighting another wave of tears. As she changed, the evening replayed itself in her head and she finally began to cry.

   Grabbing a tissue she wiped her eyes and blew her nose, then slipped into the bathroom to wash her face.

   When she was done she headed down to the library. She had one goal, and that was to get the Saha boy to the VI4C without crying about Nito.

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