Chapter 4

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   “Thank you for understanding the situation,” Septi said politely into her phone. “Uh-huh, uh-huh. Thanks. Alright, bye.” She hit the little red button on her phone and ended the call. She sighed, and looked down at the little phone she was holding.

   “Well, that takes care of my classes,” she murmured. “Now I just have to call Nito, Jade, and mum.” With hesitant fingers, she dialed her home number. The phone rang three times before her mother picked up.


   “Hi, mum?”

   “Yes? Renee, are you alright? When you didn’t come home on time, I was extremely worried. Did something go wrong at… work?” Mrs. Carl hesitated a little before saying the last word.

   “That would be putting it mildly,” Septi said. “Mom, I’m kind of tied up at the moment. I battled Steppe and lost, last night. The thing is, though, that I won’t be home for I don’t know how long.”

   “Renee,” the tone of worry in her mother’s voice could not be missed. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

   “I’m imprisoned. Don’t worry, though,” Septi said, trying to calm her mother. “I’ll be fine. And I lost a fight with Steppe. I think I already said that.”

   “Is there anything I can do?”

   “Nothing, and if you tried, Steppe’s hatred of non-mutants is extreme enough that you would die trying.”

   “It’s so sweet of you to worry about me, Renee, but I’m not all you have left. You still have friends, correct?”

   “Oui, but-”

   “And that young man who took you out two nights ago… oh, what was his name? He’s called here several times for you.”

   “He’s called?” Septi asked. “Did he leave any messages?”

   “He said that he was wondering if you would want to go out with him again, and if you could call him when you get the chance.” Septi’s fingers tightened momentarily around her phone.

   “He wants to go out with me?” Septi repeated, feeling like an echo. “Alright, thanks, mom. Um, I should probably go-” she said, trailing off.

   “Alright,” Mrs. Carl said with a sigh, and spoke quickly and quietly in rapid French. “Be careful, Renee. Don’t take unnecessary risks, and I will be praying for you.”

   “I won’t, and thanks,” Septi said. “Au revoir.”

   “Au revoir.” With that Septi hung up.

   “Why? Why now?” Septi murmured in French, scrolling through her contacts list. Finding Nito’s number, she quickly texted him: Won’t be in class. Busy with my job. A couple minutes later he texted back: Why? You prefer your job over me? Rolling her eyes, she responded: No, but my job pays. You don’t. I’ll be out of school for a while. TTYL.

   “Septi, sleep!” Ryan, the VI4C’s guard, snapped. Glancing at her with something close to pity in his weird amber colored eyes, he added, “Your torture will begin in the morning.” Septi stuck her tongue out at him.

   “I’ll sleep when I feel like it,” she retorted, closing her phone and slipping it into the bag attached to her belt. Ryan shrugged and left her alone. Septi stood and stretched, yawning slightly. “I guess this’ll be it for the night anyways.”


   “Steppe is angry,” Oracle murmured. “There are whispers of a rebellion. Mutants who fled his reign are banding together for an attack, possibly. I say we need not worry too much. Their organization is lacking.”

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