Chapter 13

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   Septi sighed, checking the multiple lists that Ferinequell had been making in the last week while she was at school. There were two new mutants on the loose, and a third was in juvenile justice. She carefully checked the map of the U.S. on the wall, examining their locations and the distance between them.

   Setting down that particular list, she moved on to the next one in the stack. Staring at the list of expenses and the balances, she grimaced.

   Do we need more numbers? And what about all these expenses? But if we leave young mutants wandering about, that could prove dangerous to them, normal people and us, Septi thought, switching to the next list, but not really paying attention to it. But more members means more expenses, and we don’t want to drain the finances faster than they already are. Besides, what’ll we do when the money runs out? Will the VI4C end?

   But if those young, rogue mutants expose themselves they might, by extension, expose us. If we’re exposed to the public eye, it doesn’t really matter if the VI4C has money or not. Not if C.A.M.M. gets us. What do those letters stand for again? Something about Citizens Against the Mutant Menace? An innocent sounding name for a heartless organization.

   They don’t know us, do they? Mutant menace. As if we ever did anything to them! Septi blinked slightly, her mind returning to the task at hand, which was going through the lists. I s’pose we’ll ask those rogues to join. If they do, then that’s great. But if they don’t, I’ll remember them and if they talk… Suddenly she realized that someone was trying to tell her something.

   "-and the sink’s flooded. Septi, did you hear a single word of that?" Mesmer asked, staring at her reproachfully.

   "Not really. What about the sink?" she asked, setting down the papers and feeling like an old woman.

   "Some idiot left it on, and it flooded the downstairs bathroom," Mes said. "Ryan and Val are trying to clean it up right now, but they sent me to tell you."

   "Any idea which idiot it was?" Septi asked.

   "No official idea," Mes said with a glare. "Personally, I suspect that that Chaos kid caused it."

   "Mes, just because his name means trouble does not mean that he caused the trouble," Septi said, putting aside her personal feelings of dislike towards Chaos and defending him. "Besides, here in America you are innocent until proven guilty."

   "I still wouldn’t put it past him," Mes grumbled.

   "Mes, why don’t you tell us how you really feel?" Septi asked sarcastically. Mes grinned at her sheepishly.

   "Sorry," she apologized, blushing slightly. "Anyways, I’ve passed on the message. I’ll see you later, Septi."

   "Alright," Septi said, absentmindedly. As she watched Mes walk away, she thought, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if one of the girls was down there and forgot to turn off the water.

   It was late when Septi slipped into the kitchen to get a cup of tea that night, so it was a big surprise when she found most of the VI4C in there, playing a game.

   "Well, well, if it’s isn’t Septi," Raram said kiddingly. "Nice of you to join us."

   "I thought that most of you guys, in not all, would be asleep," Septi confessed, putting a mug of water in the microwave and turning to face them. "So what are you playing?"

   "Apples-to-Apples," Valencia said. "Ryan’s winning.’"

   "Ryan?" Septi asked, a bit surprised.

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