☁️*Neko!Amajiki x Reader: A Good Home

Start from the beginning

It was no easy task, getting him into your car, but he didn't fight once you arrived at your destination. He simply followed you inside with his head hung low. The door swung open and you moved to let Tamaki off his leash.

"Here we are. This is your new home. I heated you some food before I-eh-" Once you unlatched the hook, he ripped free of your presence, finding the farthest spot in the room away from you to hide. "Uh... okay... I guess you need some time to adjust to your surroundings. That's fine. Take all the time you need." You gave him that evening to gain his bearings, trying to not let him catch you staring at him as he explored the house.

It wasn't until now that this situation felt odd. You had heard of people owning Nekos before, but you had never considered owning one for yourself... and for good reason. It was honestly like having a handsome boy roommate that just happened to have cat ears and a tail. 'Yeah, this is weird. I didn't really think this through...'  You wondered how much he was able to talk. Most Nekos you had seen at the Fluffery had a good grasp of the human language; whereas a few of the others clearly had more cat in them. Little Deku could communicate like any person, yet Kiri only spoke in short excited bursts. The curiosity became too much to simply sit and mull over, so you just decided to ask.

"Tamaki?" He flinched at your voice as if he had just been struck. "Can you speak?"

"Yes." His voice was smooth, yet meek and quiet.

"Oh. That's good..." You said awkwardly, not actually having a Segway to follow that.

Darkness fell and you gave him a warm invitation to sleep in the bedroom with you. You had even bought a soft little bed for him. Unfortunately, he stayed crouched in the corner when you approached, facing the wall. Knowing patience would ultimately pay-off in the end, you hauled the bed into the kitchen corner where he felt most comfortable and reached out to stroke his soft ears. He cowered from your touch, so you simply told him goodnight and retired to your room.

However, sleep did not come easily. You heard Tamaki's cries late into the night, missing his home, missing his friends. You desperately wished you could offer any source of comfort to the sorrowful creature on the other side of the wall.

You remembered how much he liked takoyaki the one day you brought it to the Fluffery for lunch and decided to get it on your way home the next day. You thought that gesture had made a bit of progress, but it was quickly squashed when you accidentally stepped on his tail in the kitchen. You hadn't noticed his quiet presence hovering behind you while you opened the bag of food. This earned you a large scratch down your leg and a very unhappy yowl from your companion. Perhaps 'companion' was the wrong word... he was more like your 'embittered-prisoner-roommate.' You sighed in defeat, cleaning your cut in the bathroom. 'Sheesh...'  You knew there was going to be an adjustment period, but how long was this going to take?! You just wanted to be his friend.

He crept around the corner and you threw him a sympathetic gaze, trying to convey that you bared him no ill will. But he read the sadness in your eyes, and felt an overwhelming cloud of regret wash over him. He opened his mouth to apologize, but no words came out. His throat was tight and he just wished he could disappear and not cause you any more pain.

Thunder rumbled outside the apartment, rain streaking down the dark windows. You went to your room, taking one more shot to get close to him. "Tamaki... if you get scared or upset, you can still come sleep in my room." It broke your heart when he curled up in his bed in the kitchen. You left the door open to maintain the invitation and laid down in your bed.

There was no way he'd go into your room. He was not worthy, not after what he just did. Tamaki felt wretched, like he was nothing but a burden to you. You had shown him nothing but kindness, but in a fit of stupid anxiety, he had widened the rift between you by scratching you. He buried his face in the soft bed, but this time his tears were from guilt rather than homesickness.

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