I found her but she gone

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"Well let's go. I'm not going to stand by while your cousin Percy could be harmed by those people."

"Okay but how are we all going to get to the park?"

"Well I brung the batmobile which can hold me and another person so I'll take Alex."

"Okay so me, Clark and Kara will fly but how will you get there Flash?"

"Did you forget that I am the fastest man alive. I'll just run to the park in New York."

"Okay. Everyone know what you need to do. Let's go."

So they all set off to 'save' Percy from the 'kidnappers'.

The flash got to the park first. He looked around and saw Percy.

"Hey percy."

"Who are you Mr cosplayer."

"I'm your cousin superhero friend the flash and they are really worried about you so how about we get away from these evil people and go get some ice cream."

"No these 'evil' people are my friends. Look over their it's superman."

I turn around but i couldn't see him or any other superhero. I realise what happened when i turned back and found she was gone. Percy tricked me. Now i'm gonna get it.

"Hey guys i think her kidnappers may have injured her most likely a head injury because she thinks those two guys and girl are her friends."

"We are all here at the park now. Where is she flash."

"Well she may have shouted look it's superman and i turned around to see but it was just a cloud and when i turned back she plus the other three were gone."

"Well she can't of gone far"says batman.

"Actually she is really fast like she was blessed by a god or something. Alex's girlfriend found that out the hard way and she is a really good fighter when she fought maggie it was like she wasn't even trying."

Oh kara you don't know how right you are.

"Well I found her again using the traffic cams. she just went into delphi strawberry farm on long island."

"I am sorry my friends but i will not help in this search anymore. I must take my leave. It was nice to meet you all. Have fun trying to getting your niece back."

With that wonder woman flies off to who knows where. 

"I wonder what in the dam world was that about."

hahaha dam

 "She probably got called back by her mother or had to go do something for the gods."

No she just going to warn and help the enemy but hey what ever you think 'Dumbledore' i mean batman.

"Well supergirl me and superman will meet you at long island in ten minutes flash but before you come here flash check the park to make sure her kidnappers aren't their."

"Okay knight black .... I mean robin sorry i mean batman."

"Just do it flash" says batman in his creepy bat tone.

from now anything batman dose is something bat.

With that they all disconnect and do what the big scary man of the night told them to do.

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