So um that just happened I guess

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Bold percy thoughts

I wonder why he brought me out onto the balcony its not like I did anything. Or did I. Sometimes I dont even remember how many people I piss off. Who cares.

Kara went to get up to go bring them back inside but Alex said to leave them be and just go in if needed. So Kara, Alex, Clark, John  Maggie and James all listened in to the conversation between Winn and Percy. Or tried to at least.

"Why'd you rig the sink to explode in my face."

How would I have done that. Oh yeah. I haven't yet.

"I didn't a pipe must have ruptured or maybe a pipe rusted I don't know."

"Liar I know what you are."

Persasseus. Amazhang.

All of a sudden an earthquake rocked the entire city for two whole minutes.

"Guys drop, cover and hold"said Maggie.

Percy stood upright on the balcony the entire time as Clark and Kara could see with their xray vision. Then the shaking stopped as soon as it began. The people inside quickly asked the others if they were okay then they suddenly realized that Winn and Percy will still both outside on the balcony. They get there in time to see Percy standing on the edge of the balcony and she said to them "Bye it was nice to knowing you not really but whatever your better than drama queen."

Thunder rumbles

Then I jumps off the multiple stories high building.

What I have jumped off higher. Remember the arch.

They all rush to the edge only to see the busy road below.

Hahaha you'll never catch me. Oh shoot. Let's hope they dont call the aliens. Then I'll be in trouble when they take me back. To later to go back now unless I could go back in time. Gods I hate kronos. Dam ADHD. Hahaha dam snack bar. Bessie.

"Oh, quick Kara or Clark get changed into your uniform and save her please."

"Alex, Me and Clark both hate to admit this but she's too far down for either one of us to catch up on her. Thank somebody here our cousin comes to live with us until she's 18 and she dies on the first day. We are such a nice family. Now we will probably go to jail because their is no way she is going to survive that fall.  She will be a flat pancake on the road."

Hey guys as I was writing this I was laughing so hard I hope you laughed too.

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