really winn

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bold Percy's thoughts

Just as my laughing fit was about to end the door opened. Four men walked. One of them looked like an all American boy scout. One looked like a complete geek/nerd. One looked like a really tough guy but was a huge softie. The last one well I couldn't really read him.  They were all talking to each other like they'd been best friends since they were born. The fourth one not so much but the other three were acting like they were brothers but not by blood. They turned to the lounge and saw me in my fit of giggles dying and the alien-like look the other girls, Maggie, Alex and Kara were giving me. 

"What happened here, Kara?" says Clark. 

I blew up another school. No, wait it was a cannon. No, I made everyone fall into the shark tank. Nothing has happened......yet.  

"Well, that small 17-year-old girl that's standing next to Alex is your cousin that I told you about Clark and she just fought Maggie. For like real. I'm not kidding. Alex and I advised against her doing it but she wanted to as Maggie called her an airhead popular. Well, that's what Maggie said she looks like. Do you want to guess who won? Can you tell me Clark, Winn or do you know James? No, John, you can't answer this."

Oh, so those are their names. I thought their names were nerd, boy scout, softie and guy I can't read.

The boys well all of them except the one I still can't read gather n a circle and have a quick discussion. 

"Well, Kara me, winn and James have decided after discussing that Maggie would have won due to her police skills."

Oh boy. You couldn't be more wrong. But then again you don't know who I am. Well, not my secret identity. Just kidding I'm not a hero. I mean my Greek side. Oh, shoot. what if nerd knows who I am. By that, I mean what I've blown up. It was Zeus's fault. 

"Well, boys guess who guessed did. Your deduction was wrong Percy beat me."

Then all the boys came over to and shook my hand.

(I'm just going to call them boys because they act like little boys all the time)

"Well done Penelope but please tell all of us how did you beat Maggie even Alex can't beat her sometimes or did you just pay them all to say that."

"Why would Alex need to beat Maggie. it's not like she is some secret agent. Is she?"

"No. I'm not. I just have some basic self-defence training." 

"Winn why would you say that."

"Now boy you listen here. Nobody and I mean nobody calls me that unless they want to kill me okay. Also if you don't value your life I dare you to say that again it will not end well. At least for you. If you choose to heed my advice but piss me off one more dam time I'll tell you to πάει στα κοράκια. Then I'll do something that you'll never have seen before and you'll be dead even before Supergirl or Superman can come to your rescue."

Oh, Nobody, I miss you. Also, don't test me winn. I do have a sword. It might not hurt you but I always have my powers.

"How come you're here and not with your parents Percy then."

I'm going to send you to Hades.

Then they all facepalm but winn realizes what he's just said...

The Greek means go to the crows in English and the cats look is what Percy looks like when she is threatening winn. Just remember I don't own Percy Jackson or Supergirl and any of the other characters just the plot.

I'm going to try to update once a week both of my stories.

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