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Thursday, August 31

"Auntie BB! Blue!" Kiara exclaimed as soon as she saw Bey and Blue pull up. I swear she's been waiting for them all afternoon.

"Hey my beautiful birthday girl!" Bey squealed and they hugged. Kiara hugged Blue and they did their lil handshake that they made up. I love the bond they have.

"Why uncle Jay ain't pull up with y'all?" Kiara asked.

"Girl what?!" I looked at her in shock. Who does she think she is, talking like that? "You hang around your daddy way too much."

"Lil Trigga." Bey laughed. "But to answer your question, your uncle is coming later. He's looking for your gift."

"Yaaaaay!" she screamed and I shook my head.

"Sweetie go bring your cousin over there with the rest of the kids so I can talk to BB real quick." I said to her, and she skipped away with Blue.

"She's so advanced for her age." Bey smiled.

"You think so?"

"Hell yeah! She's so smart. Her first day of kindergarten is next week right?"

"Girl yes. I just might cry." I whined.

"Sis, ain't no 'just might'. Your sensitive ass is definitely gonna cry."

I frowned but didn't say anything because she's lowkey right.

"It's okay, I went through the same thing with Blue years ago."

"How'd you get over it?" I asked.

"I found a distraction..."

"What was it?"

She gave me a look and I already knew what she meant.

"You nastyyyy!" I cackled.

"Girl you nastier than me. You boutta be doing the same thing, watch!" she laughed.

Suddenly we saw Lala pull up to the party with Kiyan. She approached us and Kiyan ran off to find Julez.

"Hey y'all. Sorry I'm late." she mumbled.

"What's wrong girl? What happened?"

"Carmelo's dumb ass, as always." she sighed. Unfortunately, Lala and Carmelo aren't together anymore. He... made some mistakes a couple of years ago and they separated. They officially filed for divorce last year.

"What he do this time?" Bey asked.

"We got into an argument earlier. Childish shit." She shrugged.

"Well is he still coming to the party?" I asked.

"You gotta ask him that. I don't know the nigga anymore."

"Damn." Bey said, shaking her head.

"He's toxic. I'm glad you got away from that."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now