Chapter 7

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Sup, my Kawaii Potatoes. I'm just going to get right into it.


Emma's POV

I leaned into the chair in the library. It had been 2 weeks since I decided to stay in the same town as my mate. I scanned the page of the sappy romance novel that I was reading. Don't judge. I'm still a girl. I loved reading about how person A met and fell in love with person B. I was cuddled into a hoodie and had a cup of hot tea. The library was quiet and had an air of calm in it. It was absolutely perfect.

I finished the book and closed it, placing it back on the shelf. I walked back into the fall air, bundling my hoodie closer to me. I ended up getting a job as a waitress at the diner downtown. The uniform wasn't the best thing but at least it paid. I walked back to the small motel that had become my safe house. I ducked into the office, paid my rent for the next couple days and went to my room.

I started up the heater before falling onto the bed. I got up and changed into my pj's. I crawled back into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. I shivered and cursed the cold weather, burying myself farther into the blankets.

I woke up on a couch. I sat up and looked around. "Sup." I spun and stared at Harry, who was leaning against a doorway, with a very small smirk.

I growled, "What happened to our deal, Curly?"

He sighed, "I have a reason. The pack and I are heading out of town, besides Liam. I need you to stay here and look after the house and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble."

"I think you're the one who needs to stay out of trouble. Tell the truth."

"I just need you to keep the house clean and watch over the town. It's a big area to cover with only one wolf."

"Yeah, I'm not doing that."

"I'll pay you."

That got my attention, "How much?"

He shrugged, "How does 150£ a day sound?"

"Fine. Just this once."

He smiled, "Of course. Deal?"

"Deal. Though I don't trust you much anymore." I stood and stretched.

"Have you ever trusted me?"

I yawned, "No. I suppose not. Do I stay here until you guys get back?"

"Yep. Free reign. We're leaving later today." He walked me to the door, "Beware, Liam is not happy with being left."

"I would think so. See you later."


I walked back to the motel and slid into bed to get some more sleep. I was woken up by pounding on my door. I groaned loudly and slid on a jacket, "I'm coming!" The pounding continued. I yelled, "I'M COMING! Jeez. My word people get some freaking PAT- Liam? What are you doing here?"

Liam's POV

She looked tired, annoyed, and completely pissed but she looked really... cute. Her blue eyes flashed and she leaned against the doorway, "Well?"

I stuttered, "I-I just wanted to know if you knew where Harry and the rest are?"

"Oh... They left already. Harry's paying me to watch after you."



I regret nothing. Enjoy Kawaii Potatoes.


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