Chapter 16

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I'm back!


Emma's POV

I took a deep breath as I leaned against a tree. My heart pounded and I felt tears drop down my cheeks as I gave a quiet sob. I stood straight and kept walking. No matter how much it hurt, I had to keep moving. I promised myself that I wouldn't be put back under someone's thumb. I just couldn't be in that situation again. It hurt to keep walking but I kept moving.

My stomach growled and I wondered absentmindedly when the last time I had eaten a full meal. It had to be two nights ago, at the least. I stopped and leaned against a tree. I had passed the scent markers awhile back, crossing into unmarked territory. Trees towered around me. There was no sunlight to filter through the trees, clouds had taken over the sky. I let out a breath and stood up straight, walked forward.

My mind wandered and eventually fell upon Liam. I tried to shake the thoughts from my head but I couldn't get rid of them. I kept seeing his face. I kept feeling his lips ghost against mine. I didn't want this feeling anymore. This feeling of absolute betrayal! I didn't like it!

I shifted and took off running, jumping over fallen logs and pushing through the brush. Rain drops slowly began to drift down through the leaves. Cold started to seep in through my fur, somehow making the hunger even worse. I trotted through the forest, looking for a place to take shelter from the storm.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour, I stumbled across an old survival shelter, it was falling apart but it gave some shelter. I slid inside and shook the water out of my fur. I buried myself in the dry leaves that sat at the bottom of the shelter. Rain pattered on the leaves above as I slowly started to drift off. The rain would wash away my scent trail. My nostrils filled with the same scent that had been plaguing my mind for weeks and somehow, it helped me fall asleep.

Liam's POV


Niall stared at me, "I don't know, Liam. She left last night, she just disappeared."

Anger climbed up my throat as I tried to restrain myself from punching something, "Niall... where did she go?"

"I don't know, Liam. Calm down."

The rest of the pack stood back as Harry walked forward, stepping in between us, "Liam, you do need to calm down. I need you to tell me why she's so important."

"She just is, Harry!"

"Tell me the exact reason. Now."

I took a step back, "She's... Harry... She's-"

Niall glanced at me before coming forward, "This is a discussion to have in private, Harry."

Harry slowly nodded and moved into the kitchen. I followed shortly behind him. He turned, crossing his arms over his chest, "Talk. Now."

I cleared my throat, "Harry, she's my... she's my mate..."

The air in the room suddenly tensed as Harry stared at me, "Are you telling the truth?"

I nodded, looking down, "Yes..."

He let out a breath before clapping me on the back, "Don't worry, we'll find her, Liam."

I looked up at him, "Harry-"

"Everyone deserves to be happy, Liam. I'm not taking that away from you just because I don't particularly enjoy her presence. Now, let's go, we've got to track her down before the rain completely demolishes her tracks."

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