Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated kay Bubba a beloved horse, my best friend.

I stared in horror as i stared at him, his back to us.

"Joe?" i whispered from across the table.

"Yeah, whats wrong?" he asked as he shoveled in some eggs.

"Do you have the gun with you?" i asked putting my fork down.

"No, its in the car what the hell is wrong with you?" he asked looking at me oddly.

"Well guess who joined the party." i said shrugging over towards my uncle and then it all clicked in Joe's brain.

We decided to sit tight and finish eating while Joe texted Sean under the table. He already knew and he couldn't do anything because he had a gun and wouldn't hesitate to shoot me. We finished eating and payed the waitress. We made our way to the door and i reached to pull on it and as always in books like this the character thinks they got away but in our case we were caught. He said these words in a light, nice tone but it was so nice that it was scary.

"Hello Ali, nice to see you again."

It sent chills down my back, then Joe pushed me gripping me and we ran to the car. Joe took off half in the car and Sean still didn't follow us, i hope he gets him. Maybe this will be quick and easy, i'll stop with that, don't want to jinx it.

"OK I'm kind of afraid now" I said as he sped down the open road into the country.

"don't worry." he said gripping my hand as he took a turn way to fast.

I could hear the hum of the engine as I shook in fear. I couldn't tell if he was scared or not, it's the only bad thing I really can't tell what he's feeling.

"are you afraid?" I asked as he shifted gears to the traffic ahead.

I stared at him and he stared straight ahead, at least I knew he was thinking.

"well to be honest I...." he got cut off by his phone ringing. Great timing Sean.

"hey what's up?" he asked as he switched lanes and stopped again.

"he snuck out the back before I got out of my car, he must have had this planned out as well.

Where are you now?" he asked

"ahhhh about mile marker 35." he said."I have a friend in Hartford at exit 46 so we can stake out there until you come."

"ok I will meet you there later." Sean said

They said bye and he glanced at me.

"Can you answer my question?" I asked.

"to be honest I try not to show fear because I don't want to make you afraid. Or more afraid than you are, I want to be strong for you." he said.

"thanks." I said

Joe slammed on the breaks and we stopped. A semi truck had flipped over about half a mile down. We sat there for about 20 minutes when we inched our way along. We were less than 20ft away from the exit when Joe swung out on the shoulder and drove to the exit. Just our luck a cop flicked the lights on and came up behind us. The cop got out and Joe, pissed off took out his wallet while he put the car in park.

"ah Joe, that's not a cop, that's my uncle!" I said

Joe slid the gun under his shirt. He rolled down the window as he approached the car.

"license and registration please." he said

Joe reached over for the registration when he hit the gas and sped off up the ramp. Running over my uncles foot almost knocking him over. We ran the red light at the top and went back over the highway on the bridge. 

Unbelievable (Book one in the Samantha Desalvo Series)Watty awards 2012Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon