Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to to all my fans :)

I was in jail, for a murder that I never committed. The man ran off as he knocked me out cold, and I lay in a pool of blood, blood of which was not mine. I did not draw blood from the young girl. Flashing lights drew by in a confusing blur, and I couldn'tget that little girls face out of my head. She was 10. I was put behind bars for 4 years,while a true murderer was free. My name is Samantha Desalvo, and this is my story of love, hate, and revenge.

When my last day of being in jail drew nearer, my good friend Sydney Stewart stoodby my side. Was in jail 2 years before me and she never would tell me what sheserved time for. She had a 10 year sentence and she showed me all the ropes ofcheating the guards and getting the best food. I was about 17 when I was accused ofmurder, and now I am 21 years old. My friend Sydney was in jail at the age of 17 andshe is now 27. From this day on we vowed to prove my innocence any way we could. Starting at this very moment I was free, and ready for revenge.

The guards were leading us out the tall creme painted walls with barbed wire electric fence. I haven't seen the world outside the wall in a long time. Even though 4years seems short, it isn't when your locked up in a box with people who you don'teven know. It was exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I couldn't wait, as I stepped through the double gates and onto the parking lot outside of the fence I felt free. I was ready to show all the people who accused me that I was right and they made a horrible mistake. The man that killed that innocent girl, my sister, would fear my presence.

It was a bright, sunny morning and it was my first time sleeping in a room to, to myself, in 4 years. The jail was paying for my first month at a motel, until I get back on my feet. I got up, showered, and brushed out my medium length blond hair.There was an air vent towards the top of the wall, above my dresser, that's where I kept my wad of $400. I took out a green $5 bill and closed the air vent. I locked the door to my apartment and went down the street to the coffee shop. I am currently living in Orland Park, Illinois, and went to the jail in Joliet. I walked in and the petite lady behind the counter with black curly hair came to as I sat on the bar stool.

"Hi, can I have a vanilla coffee, no cream, extra vanilla, and 1 sugar please." I asked.

"Coming right up!" she said with a smile.

The coffee shop wasn't that busy for a Friday morning in August.

"Here you are." she said putting the steaming mug in front of me. "Can I get you

anything else?" she asked.

"No, thank you." I said handing her the $5 bill.

I drank the warm vanilla coffee rather slowly and enjoyed the warmth. I said goodbye and walked the opposite way from the motel. I looked in the store windows at the clothes I couldn't have and was almost drooling. I kept walking about the whole block and then made my way back to the motel. I passed the newspaper stand and saw on the cover my face and the title read "Murderer, Samantha Desalvo Released From Joliet Jail Yesterday." That's all I had to see, and that kept me right on walking.I saw a fire engine go by with loud sirens and flashing lights to my left. I smelled smoke and saw that my motel was on fire! i ran cutting through blocked traffic and towards the stairs to the second floor. I saw a firefighter helping a woman 2 doors down and one trying to put the blaze out. I ran up the stairs as people yelled at me as i fumbled with the key in the lock.

I burst in and went to the air vent and pulled out my wad of cash. I reached for the door and remembered my mothers bracelet in the tile in the bathroom. I weaseled my way through the fallen boards and the ashes. I pulled out the tile and put the bracelet on. I ran for the door jumping a beam and then fell. I turned over and saw another beam come down on me. My ear burned but i hardly noticed. I pulled my self out, it had landed on the other beam and I crawled to the door as a firefighter came and picked me up. The paramedic gave me a mask of fresh air as I sat on the back of the ambulance. I had also taken my duffel bag of clothes and that laid beside me. I could breathe better so i gave him back the mask.

Unbelievable (Book one in the Samantha Desalvo Series)Watty awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now