Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Bubba <3

We woke up the next morning, on a Thursday. The sky and air around us looked sad and erie. I showered and then joe got in while I went onto the porch in back. I stepped onto the cool pavement and then into the dew kissed grass. I observed the yard and made my way taking the scenery in to the end of the fence. Parked right infront of me was the cop car that my uncle tried to pull us over in. I froze and looked around. I hopped the fence and circled he car,Iike a hawk and it's helpless prey. Something was wrong. I noticed something under the windshield wiper blade. There was smeared blood all over the hood and he drivers door handle. I pulled out the folded paper and opened it. In all Capitol letters it read " I AM HERE AND I AM WATCHING YOU." I read through it once more and realized it was written in blood. My heart pounded in my ears and I knew I had to find joe and leave! I jumped the fence and ran up the stairs in the house and screamed joe. He dropped his toothbrush in the sink. He came to almost smacking into me, gripping my arms. I realized he was just wearing a towel.

"what's wrong?" he asked looking at me with his wet sweet smelling hair.

I couldn't even speak I just handed him the note.

He read it and looked at me crumbling it up. I cried in his hands.

"what? Am I really that ugly?" he asked messing with me.

He smiled and hugged me. I layed on the bed while he went in the bathroom and changed.

We then went into the kitchen were joes phone was charging. He punched in seans number and waited while it rang.

Sean was already on his way out to see us so we could tell him when he got here. I layed on the couch staring at the wall while joe tried to bushy himself with building a fire outside, that didn't work. The doorbell rang and I ran to greet Sean. I unlocked it and opened it. BAM! It hit me three bullets ah shit, I was dead, so was joe. I woke up from my day dream and did actually hear the doorbell ring. I slowed as i got to the door and unlocked it. I opened it slowly and saw a boy, he handed me the newspaper and walked off. I closed the door and opened the newspaper. What harm could that be? I opened it fully and that's when the orange folder fell to the ground. Shit. I should have expected this. I picked up the envelope and opened it on the kitchen counter. I undid the tie and pulled out a dozen pictures of me and joe. They were recent too. I ran to the door with the pictures in my hand.

"joe?!" I said as I grabbed his arm, he smelled of wood.

"you need to see these!" I said handing him the photos.

"what the hell!" joe yelled" just show yourself, you bastard!!" he yelled looking around I was able to drag him inside and calm him down a notch.

"joe yelling won't help And I think he wants us all her you me and Sean because no witnesses and Sean was the hottest on his case." I said looking at him.

"we need to leave like now!" I said.

That was that. We walked out the door, the subdivision contained six other houses 2 for sale. Then we heard shots and saw a man running towards us, my uncle.

Unbelievable (Book one in the Samantha Desalvo Series)Watty awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now