Chapter 12

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POV Joe:

"Bye Ali." I said as I walked out the door on Sunday morning to go to work.

I put my car in reverse and drove towards the fire station. I parked in back or the fire house and opened the back door.

"Hey Michael!" I said waving and putting my stuff away to catch up with him.

"what's up man?" he asked as we shook hands and went to go stock up the truck.

"so I saw on the news that they caught your girlfriends familys killer." he said handing me a neck brace.

"yeah, but they weird thing was was that he almost gave himself up. He wanted Ali to shoot him for her own revenge. And not that I have a mind like a killer but if I was one I wouldn't have done what he did. But I can't complain, it's over." I said closing one of the compartment doors.

"did you listen tot he messages?" I asked as we walked to the office.

"yeah, there's a fair going on a few miles away me you and Paul need to head down there." michael said.

"alright,wts hit it!" I said as all three of us got into the ambulance.

I pulled out and went about 12 miles down the road to the small county fair. Today we would probably mostly see dehydration, bee stings, and asthma attacks. I parked where the boss told us to the center of the fair nexto the washrooms and a small food stand. It was only quarter to 11 when the fair opened and everyone started to come. By 11:30 we already had 2 bee stings and a twisted ankle.

"so how you been joe?" Paul asked as we all sat down on the back of the truck sipping water.

"pretty good. You?" I asked.

"great I got Monday off!" he said with a laugh and we all chimed in.

"how's Ali holding up?" Paul asked.

"she hasn't told me bad things otherwise. Actually I proposed to her yesterday and she said only if the court declares her innocent. But I stil gave her the ring, because she asked for it." I said as they stared at me in awe.

"good for you man!" michael said and Paul hugged me.

"thanks guys." I said getting up to throw my cup out.

I walked to the garbage and looked out into the small clusterd crounds and then I saw a few older girls. The brown haired one looked dehydrated and groggy. No one else seemed to notice so I walked over to them.

"excuse me, has your friend had anything to drink lately?" I asked looking at them for an answer.

"I dont know." the blonde one said moving towards me.

"well can I ask you girls to come back to the ambulance to drink something, she does not look good at all." I said this as the brown haired girls legs gave way and she began to fall.

I caught her before she fell face first. I grabbed my phone to call for back up as he two girls took off running.

"hey!" I yelled to two officers passing by.

"get them, they drugged this girl!" I yelled at them as they ran for the other two girls.

I picked up the brown haired girl and ran her back to the truck.

"what happened?!" Paul yelled to me as Michael got out the stretcher.

"she was drugged, she looked dehydrated so I went over to her and two of her friends and they ran off as she collapsed. The cops are on them and we need to get her to the hospital, get oxygen on her and I'll drive." I said helping them get her in the truck.

As we left the other girls were caught and put in the cop car and the other ambulance came to take our spot. I drove over to the closest Joliet hospital and we got her to a room.

I stayed because I has to find ou her name and contact her parents. I also wanted to know what they poisoned her with and why?

"hey joe how are you?" dr. Linmar asked as I followed him into the girls room.

"I'm good, but I can't say much for her." I said walking to her bedside.

"she will be fine, but I'm glad you found her, if she hadn't had been found, she could have died in about an hour. She was poisoned with the drug on the street called G. It appears to be done over a period of time and it also looks like they increased the dose every few times. We are treating her and her parents have been contacted." he said looking up at me as he finished writing on the clipboard.

"thanks joe, you saved yet another life." he said.

I walked out of the room and made my way down the hallway, I wish I could have saved my wife. I grabbed a cab and met Michael and Paul around 6. We went on 3 more emergencies and finally parked the ambulance around 10:30. I was the last one there so I had to lock up. I walked to the front and began to close the big red doors. It was raining now and I was about to close the last door when I noticed a dog tied to the post infront of the driveway. I ran out to untie the leash. I picked him up and held him close as he shivered. I looked around only seeing the headlights of the cars as they passed. I walked back in and closed the door. I brought the puppy in the back to dry him off. There is a sighn that says they can drop people off but it never if once rarely happens and especially a puppy, who wouldnt want him? I dried his fur as he chewed on the towel and his coat got fluffy. He was a German shepherd with deep brown eyes. He had no collar or chip. So I tied the leash back on him and went to my car. I stopped on the way and spent $300 at petco. I bought dog bowls, a leash and collar, dog food, 2 bags of treats, a cage, pillow and a brush.

I loaded everything in the trunk of my car and began to drive home. What would I name him? All I know is Ali is not naming him some baby name. I brought the puppy in first with the bags of stuff. I unloaded everything while Ali was in the shower. I just got the cage in the corner and closed the door to our condo when she called for me.

"one sec!" I yelled to her letting the puppy go into our room.

"ahhhh! Oh my god, joe!" she yelled as I walked in.

She picked him up and he began to lick her face.

"where did you get him?" Ali asked.

"I found him at the station. He was tied up and I guess they just abandoned him." I said moving over to her and kissing her.

"he still needs a name." I said.

"well what do you want to name him?" Ali asked"I've never had a pet so you can name him." she said.

"I never had a dog either but I had a name that I liked for awhile, what about Boscoe?" I asked.

"that sounds perfect!" she said.

"welcome to the family Boscoe!" I said hugging Ali and Boscoe.

Unbelievable (Book one in the Samantha Desalvo Series)Watty awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now