Chapter 13

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The court. I walked into the room and they made you swear with your right hand and to tell the truth. I sat on the chair nexto my lawyer, John. Then my uncle came in with two guards and wearing handcuffs with a orange suit. He looked like he hadn't shaved in days. The jury walked in and I was called up for my testimony first. No one interrupted me and the judge stared at me with sympathy. He said thank you and I walked back to my seat nexto my lawyer while my uncle walked up. He sat down. My lawyer began to talk to him and squeeze and bit of information out of him as he could for everyone's sake. The interrogation lasted for what seemed like 20 minutes. Then my uncle started to tell his side of the story and then my imagination took over. I remembered the time when I woke up to an arm full of presents from my parents. Not to be ungrateful, they were all what I wanted, but something was missing. I also remember later that day i sat out on our porch swing reading on of the new books i had gotten, The Chronicles Of Narnia. When i looked up from the book to see a small golden retriever puppy bounding toward me with a red bow around his small neck.

I bent down to pet him and then i noticed who was behind him. My uncle Jack! I was so happy i ran to him crying thanking him for the puppy. He layed down in my lap on the swing while my dad and uncle Jack went inside to talk. No long after that they began to yell, i tuned them out like i usually did because sometimes i didnt want to be a fly on the wall, i wanted to go away forever, me and my puppy. I decided on the name holli. My dad and my uncle seemed like best friends when i was around and they laughed and even played games with me. But the last two or three times he has come over they often yell.

I was too young at the time to understand. But now that i am much older i now realize they had been planning this for quite some time now. I am not just disgusted by my uncle but my own father as well. For him letting all this fall into place and not trying to stop it, he just assumed this would all be OK. But whenever he assumes things he is wrong, i should have known that.

"Order in the court!" the judge yelled at my uncle and the two lawyer, who apparently were yelling.

They talked quietly amungst themselves and then dismissed the court to go in the back and decide the terms as followed.


2 hours later.

It was now 1:30 and i was sitting in the same spot. A few people got up to get coffee or just get up and move, but i remained there and Joe moved up nexto me.

"Hey everything is going to be fine." joe said taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Thanks, no offence to you but i have heard that one to many times, it never turned out well." i said squeezing his hand back and forcing out a smile.

The judge walked back in and Joe took his seat back behind me.

The judge pounded his mallet "Court is now in session!" he yelled sounding hoarse as everyone resumed there seats.

"By order of the court Mr. Desalvo, you will be serving a life sentence, no parole. As for Mrs. Desalvo, you are free." He said.

As soon as that mallet went down i jumped up and ran to joe yelling"I'll marry you!"

We kissed as he put me back down and I glanced at my uncle. he was crying. The smallest portion of me felt sad, but he was gone so i walked over to him and gave him a light hug.

He whispered back, "Congratulations." But this made my heart race and did not make me feel happy.

This was a weird congratulations, i felt like he had more to say but i walked away before i could hear his pity. We signed some papers and then would you guess who showed up, Sydney!

"Hey, i am so happy for you sorry i totally had slept in, but I'm here now!" she said giving me a hug and even Joe.

We all left and drove to get something to eat. We got home around 7, we had gone to Sydney's house after we got Chinese food and had a few celebration drinks. I put the leftovers in the fridge and snuck one put sticker in my mouth while Joe went to get in the shower. I was focused on the TV when i tripped over Bosco and fell catching myself on the back of the couch. I had sucked in air and my food got stuck in my throat. I couldn't cough it out and i couldn't breathe!

I crawled to the bathroom door and pounded my fist in the door. Joe wasnt answering and finally he did and he barely had a towel around himself.

"What the fuck Sam!" he yelled at me as i lay on the floor half dead.

He pressed on my stomach and then he ended up putting his two fingers in my mouth and pulling some out. It finally went down and i could breathe, but it hurt. I gasped and i reached to put my arm around his neck as he still kneeled over me.

"I can never leave you alone can i?" he said his still wet hair dripping onto my face.

"No you can't, never leave me." i said as we sat there in the hallway in silence.

we sat on the couch a few minutes later. The question bothered me for awhile, does he want kids?

"Joe, do you want kids?" i asked nervously looking up at him slowly from my head on his lap.

" Yeah, no rush sweety. Do you?" he asked.

"exactly what you said." i said curling up closer to him.


I woke up the next morning to Joe putting his shoes on for work. he fed Bosco and he kissed me goodbye.

"Dont eat in big quantities today." he said with a fake serious look.

"I wont, love you"

"I love you too."

Unbelievable (Book one in the Samantha Desalvo Series)Watty awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now