Chapter 15

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"AHHHHH!" screamed our neighbor.

She had just come home around 2 AM from her night shift as a nurse at the hospital.

I woke up to her screaming and knocking on my door. i jumped out of bed and called Joe's name. i turned the light  on and saw that he wasn't there and the door was open. SHIT! What the hell?! I walked out the door calling Joe's name. I ran to the left to where I found our neighbor staring down the stairs.

"What happened?" i asked running over and looking down the flight of stairs.

"I don't know, i came home and saw him laying there." she said

"Ok, well  do you mind helping me get him up?" i asked walking down the stairs.

We carried him up to the condo and layed him back on the couch.

"Do you need anything else?" she asked kindly.

"No, i think i can manage thank you." i said closing the door behind her.

I knelt down beside him. "Joe....Joseph!" i said staring at his eyes that fluttered open.

"Where am i?" he asked rubbing his face.

"You fell down the stairs and now your back in the house." i said handing him to ibuprofen and a cup of water.

He wasn't bleeding, but i could tell he was going to be achey and have a couple of bruises. I moved him to our bed and gave him an ice pack for his head. I layed down nexto him and fell asleep, thank god he didn't get in a car.


"Hello this is Mr. Ralem, how may i help you?"

"Hi, this is Joe's fiance, he cant come to work today he fell down some stairs the other night." i said, at least i wasn't lying.

"Ok, but he better be in tomorrow, have a nice day." he said and hung up with a sigh.

I made coffee and told Joe to go take a shower and ill make him breakfast.

Joe walked out of the shower with a towel and over to pour some coffee.

"Are we still going shopping?" Joe asked sipping the hot liquid.

"Ah, you have a hangover Joe, are you up for that?" i asked staring at the hole in the wall.

"Yeah." he said his eyes following mine to where the hole was.

"Did, i do that?" he asked wiping some of the plaster off the wall.

"Yes, now go get changed so we can go." i said washing the rest of the dishes.

I drove down to the store and the lady that helped me yesterday recognized me.

"Hi, how are you doing?" she asked shaking my hand and Joe's.

"Well we already had agreed on the gazebo correct?" the lady asked.

"Yes." we both said looking at each other.

"I spoke with the forest preserve house and they said that they don't normally rent out the gazebo but they will do it for a price of $1,790." she said looking up at us.

"I guess thats fine." joe said.

"OK, great, now you have the place and you fiance said that there is going to be around 100 people, would you like to add to that or just change it later?" she asked

"We'll keep it at that for now." i said

"Have you thought about a date?" she asked twirling her pen

Unbelievable (Book one in the Samantha Desalvo Series)Watty awards 2012Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora