“You guys are perfect for each other! When you two get married I expect to have grandchildren. The more the merrier!” My jaw dropped and I gave her a mortified look.

Mom!” My cheeks flamed brightly and she held up her hands.

“Alright, alright! I’ll shut up for now.” When I sort of got over that awkward and extremely embarrassing moment I fixed Michael a small plate with the eggs and bacon and he picked up his fork, yawning as he took a bite with droopy eyes.

Just as I was about to take a bite of some of my bacon the doorbell rang and I got up, happy butterflies flittering around in my stomach. Mom smiled at me again and put some more eggs on Michael’s plate.

I brought my bacon with me to answer the door and took a bite just as I opened the door. Jacob stood in front of me wearing a black v-neck, his leather jacket, snug-fitting ripped grey skinny jeans, and his combat boots.

He noticed me checking him out and that signature smirk twisted his lips. I stood there frozen with my bacon still in my mouth. He raised his eyebrow and then stepped past me, stealing the bacon out of my hand as he closed the door and came inside. He took a big bite of it and smirked at me again as he passed.

My jaw dropped almost instantly and it only took me a second before I whirled around to face him, shaking my head and jabbing my finger into his chest. He looked down at it and then back up at me, clearly amused.

“Oh hell no. You can come barging in my house all you want but you will not, and I repeat not, steal my bacon. That is crossing the line sir and I don’t appreciate it one bit.” I plucked what’s left of the bacon out of his hand and shoved it into my mouth, glaring at him.

It was completely silent for about five seconds until he burst into laughter, bending over and wrapping his hands around his stomach. I only kept the glare for a few seconds before it dropped off my face. I can’t stay mad at him when he laughs like this. It is literally like music to my ears and it rarely happens so I’m not about to ruin his good mood.

When he calmed down a little I planted my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow at him with a small smile of my own.

“Are you done yet?” He looked up at me and wiped the tears from his eyes before reaching out and pulling me into his arms. I looked up at his face and my gaze lingered on the genuine smile that’s lighting up his whole face.

He leaned forward and kissed my nose.

“You’re adorable Lyla. Throwing a hissy fit over a piece of bacon.” I smacked his chest.

“Hey. Don’t go there. Bacon is sacred to me.” I pouted and he swooped down for a quick kiss before dragging me out of the room and to the table. Mom smiled brightly at him and he returned it with a smile of his own. Michael is still really tired but he smiled and waved shyly at Jacob who waved back.

I felt my cheeks heat up when I remembered Mom’s words from earlier.

When you two get married I expect to have grandchildren.

“Won’t you join us Jacob?” Mom asked.

“I would be happy to.” He gave her a dazzling smile.

“Lyla could you get him a plate please? Jacob you can sit anywhere you like.” I went into the kitchen and grabbed him a plate before coming back and handing it to him and taking my seat where he sat right beside me.

“Help yourself to anything you want.” Mom told him. He smiled at her again and got some of the eggs off of the plate in the middle of the table. He got some of the bacon as well and when I was taking a bite of eggs I jumped a little when he took my hand under the table and intertwined our fingers.

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