c h a p t e r • t w e l v e

Start from the beginning

"So, you're the last Weaver sister." Parker smiled while balancing his pencil on the tip of his nose. He was doing well before he flinched and it fell, causing him the look down at it as if offended him.

"Correction, I'm the second to last Weaver sister. But I don't see why that matters so much to everyone around here. We're just an average family, it's not like we're the Obamas."

"You might as well be." He snorted.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the professor, whom of which finally got up to hopefully begin teaching.

"Alright, listen up you snotty nosed millennials." He groaned in a rough New York accent.
"Welcome to "Intro to Entre". Here's the bad news, I'm stuck with you guys everyday for 3 hours for the next semester. Here's the good news, I don't want to be stuck with you guys everyday for 3 hours for the next semester. You know why they call this class an Easy A? Because you pass no matter what. You know why you pass no matter what? Because if I fail you, then I have to see your ugly unproportional faces again next year. I don't want to see ANY OF YOU next year. Got that?"

We collectively nodded in confusion. While everyone else had smiles tugged onto their faces, seeing as how easy this class was obviously going to be, I had my nose scrunched in confusion and a slight hint of disgust.
How are we suppose to learn anything if our teacher doesn't even care?
And people wonder why the American school system is corrupt.

"Your first assignment; write a paper on a business you'd like to start, and how you'd do it. It's due by next class. Seeing as how I don't want to look at any of you for another 2 hours, class is dismissed."

Students turned to each other before eagerly getting out of their seats and clawing for the door. I furrowed my brow and turned to Sunny.

"Seriously? That's it?"

She shrugged before packing her things.
"They don't call this class an Easy A for nothing."

I walked alone down the quad since I had time to kill before my next class. Sunny went to her dorm to take a nap, while Parker went to the Great Hall to grab some food.
Both viable options, but I'm not in the mood for food or sleep.

So far, this school was not living up to my low expectations. I expected strict teachers and hard classes, not whatever the hell Intro to Entre was.
At SCAD, we learned something new everyday. Whether it be art related or a life skill, we were learning 24/7. It was disappointing to see that was not going to be happening here.

"Penny! Wait up!" A voice called across the quad. I turned to see Jas jogging up to me, her bag flopping over her shoulder as she caught my pace.

"Hey, Jas." I smiled.

"What's up? Aren't you suppose to be in Intro to Entrepreneurship?" She asked while matching my footsteps.

"Yeah but class was dismissed early. Totally not what I was expecting. It's at times like this that I miss SCAD."

She rolled her eyes.
"C'mon, enough about SCAD! It'll only make you feel worse if you keep thinking about it."

I sighed, knowing she was right. My father isn't going to pull me out of Wadlington any time soon. SCAD is in the past. There's no going back to how things were and I'm just getting my hopes up.

"Yeah, you're right. I should let SCAD go. But that does not mean I'm thrilled about this place. I mean, seriously! Everyone is obsessed with our family. It's kinda creepy."

We shared a hearty chuckle before someone quickly jogged up to us, causing us to stop and look at her with confusion in our eyes.

"Jas!" A small brunette girl called with a distraught look her face. 

Penny For Your Thoughts? [unedited]Where stories live. Discover now