Friday night fright 2

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We all got into a huddled group and looked down the hall.

" Becca go check it out" Tiana suggested. I had to stop myself from slapping her

" Are you crazy I'm not going down there" I said my eyes bulging at her idiotic suggestion.

" It's your house you first" Tina said

"Yeah also my life that I'm trying to keep" I said this girl must have lost her marbles thinking I was about to go down a hall by myself checking out a creepy noise with no light? Huh trippin

" Come on we'll all go" Elisa said

Slowly we made our way to the noise but first had grabbed weapons from the closet. I had a bat, Tiana had a belt, and Elisa had a tennis racket. whoever was coming was in for it.

We went into the kitchen and saw three dark shadows of guys instantly we pounced.


Jason's POV

" Yoo man this is crazy" Anthony said to me as we slowly made our way around the house.

" come on man don't be a pussy" I replied back to him " it's just a prank"

We slowly made our way through a open window in the kitchen I went through first silently then Anthony. finally Adrian came in but not so silently he came in and started to fall so grabbed on to Anthony who fell into me and I fell onto the floor taking a few pots and utensils that were hung up and on the counter down with me causing a crash.

Then there was a loud scream that echoed throughout the house I'm sure came from the girls.

" Shit " we all said holding our ears to keep out the ear piercing scream with no such luck.

I heard the girls arguing about something but couldn't hear what it was.

" did you make sure to turn the power off" I asked Adrian

" Yeah" Adrian responded we slowly picked everything that fell and quietly put it up then were ready to make our way to the living room to the girls but were shocked when we each fell to the ground.

"What the fu-" we all started but were cut off by whoever was on all of us yelling and punching.

I finally realized this must be the girls but couldn't get anything out because which ever one of them was on me had a pretty strong arm and was not letting up on punching me and I think hitting me with a bat. I finally got the bat then her wrist able to yell

" Stop it's me it's Jason" I yelled causing all of the other yelling to stop

"What " the girl on me said and I could tell it was Becca

" Could you guys get off " I yelled slowly they all got off of us

" Adrian go put the lights back on"

Adrian quickly got up and went back through the window with the back door right there. sometimes my friends can be really stupid.

The lights came back on. Then soon enough Adrian came back in.

" why in the hell did you sneak into my house" Becca yelled clearly upset and I know probably not the time but she looks so hot angry.

" I wanted to watch the movie with you guys" I lied saying it more like a question she clearly wasn't buying it

" Jason seriously I should kill you right now you gave me a heart attack" Becca yelled while glaring at me

" Woah no need for that I think you did enough with that bat and those fist" I said

she gasped after really looking over my face " come on let me clean up your face" she suggested while grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me upstairs. I glanced at the guys and saw they were having their own conversations with the girls.

Becca pulled me into a room that must have been hers since the door said Becca in curly blue lettering. We went in and her room looked like a normal teen girls room.

with a full sized bed in the center with pink and blue bedspread and tons of fluffy pillows next to her bed on both sides were nightstands. on the left side of the room there was a dresser with the mirror attached and taped onto the mirror were a few pictures and a door next to it the on the left next to her night stand was a desk with a laptop and a few books and papers then another door that led to a small balcony then against the wall was another door next to it mounted to the wall across from the bed was a flat screen tv.

" Are you going to come here or just keep inspecting my room" she asked then I finally noticed that she was in the bathroom.

" Fiesty" I said while walking in and sitting on the counter. she just glared and got out a first aid kit. I tried to ignore the pride crushing reality that I was beat up by a girl. in my defense she had a bat and ambushed me. I looked over at her while she was getting the things she needed out of the kit clearly still very upset. For some reason I couldn't handle her being mad at me and hated it.

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