The Jock's Crush

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Me, Lucas,and Kyle were going head to head dancing or hearts out. I felt like such an old lady because I was getting really tired. finally the song ended and our scores came up. Lucas won then Kyle and in last place me. whatever I can't even lie those boys could dance.
I was feeling hungry and figured it was time to feed the boys.

"Haha you lost" Kyle exclaimed rubbing it in my face

I just laughed "whatever you lost too"
"Anyway are you guys hungry" I asked them both. they both nodded excitedly.

"Alright what do you want to eat" I asked with a smile they looked at each other then said

"Spaghetti" in unison for the second time that day. It was like they could read each other's minds. yeah definitely twins.

"Okay" I said I went to the kitchen and looked through the cupboards and pantries to find everything I needed. I got out the noodles, spaghetti sauce, and a pot and pan.

While I was starting the noodles in the pot the boys just say in the loving room watching tv. I was cooking the sauce when two arms snaked around my waist and a chin rested on my shoulder.
I jumped a little but then turned around and was faced to face with

Jason Scott the most popular guy in school, captain of the football team, and star quarterback. Everybody adored him. well almost everybody.

"Hey housewife" he said in seductive tone with a smirk. I glared and pushed him off.

"Didn't anybody every teach you hands to yourself " i said

"No" he said with a smirk pulling me by my waist back to his strong chest. "besides you know you like it" he whispered in my ear. I scoffed and turned back around to the sauce I was making for the spaghetti.

He finally left and went back to his friends I assume. I finished the spaghetti and put some on three plates for me, Kyle, and Lucas.

"Boys dinner's ready" I called into the living room. two nine year olds came into the kitchen but right behind them three 17 year old boys followed.

"Hey where's our plates" Anthony asked while gesturing around the kitchen.

"Yeah babe why didn't you make us any food" Jason asked me.

"I'm the twin's babysitter remember you don't need one,babe" I said to Jason with a smirk. I started to walk into the living room with the twins.

"There is a bowl of spaghetti on the counter get it yourself" I called into the kitchen to the boys. A short time later the boys came walking into the living room Adrian sat down in the arm chair next to the couch, Anthony sat in the one chair next to it.

While of course Jason sat down right next to me and kicked his feet up on my lap almost knocking over my plate.

"Bastard" I said upset that he almost knocked over my food. He seemed to either not hear me or not care about what I was saying.

I looked at the tv we were watching some random show on tv. Until Adrian suggested we play Games.

"Yeah sounds cool" Jason said. I went around and got everybody's plates putting them in the dishwasher. while I was in there I saw it was close to ten. time for the twins to go to bed.

"Alright boys time for bed" I said to the twins as I was walking back into the living room.

"No come on Becca please let stay up" Lucas and Kyle complained

"No guys your mom told me ahead of time you guys are supposed to be in bed by ten" I said

"Come on please" Lucas begged. I felt so bad they are really good kids but their mom specifically stated there bed time, they were already up way past it and I didn't want them to be up when she gets home. I thought I would have to say no to nine year olds.

"Yeah Becca let's stay up and play" Jason said in a childish tone
Turns out I'm saying no to a 17 year old as well.

"No guys go to bed" I said to the twins ignoring what Jason said temporally.

"Ugh fine" they both whined and stomped up to there rooms. I turned around to the three teens sitting down with cocky grins.

"Alright babe now let's get to the fun games" Jason said with that cocky ass smirk still playing on his lips. ugh why the hell is he so cute.

"Isn't it you guys bedtime now too" I said to them

"Really Becca we aren't kids" Adrian said.

"Huh could've fooled me" I said while rolling my eyes and sitting down on the couch pushing Jason's legs off

"Come on let's do something" Anthony complained

"Why don't you three go toss a football around outside or something" I suggested just trying to get them out of my face

"Yeah Becca come play football with us" Jason suggested

"No thanks I'll pass" I said pulling out my phone to entertain myself.

"Come on please Becca it'll be fun" Anthony said or whined actually. I thought about it for a bit

"Uh fine" I said figuring I don't have anything else to do.

Playing football with three hot jock's. this should be fun.

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