The Jock's Crush

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Hey. This is my first story. I'm working on a lot of other ideas as well but this one is the only one I could think of a beginning for. so here it is.

"Becca" my mom called from downstairs "don't forget you need to be at the Scott's by six"

"Okay" I said. I checked the time it was about 5:30 so I figure might as well go grad a snack then head out.

I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen to see my mom making dinner.
"Hey mom" I said in a cheery tone

"Hey sweetheart" my mom replied. My mom and I look just a like dark brown wavy hair,brown eyes, a little tanned skin. only difference is that my hair goes down to my waist while her's is cut right at her spiral curls.

I grabbed an apple and started eating it at the island counter on one of the stools.

"So sweetheart are you excited about babysitting for the Scott's I hear they have a very cute son your age" she asked in a very suggestive tone. see this was the thing about my mom that made her very different from other moms. she actually wanted me to date and go out with friends a ton. I'm not saying I'm like a loner at school or anything because I'm not I have friends and I know people, but I'm just not the most popular girl school and sometimes would like to just stay at home, watch vines, and eat Nutella. But to my mom that made me a loner.

"Yes mom I guess I'm excited" I started in a bored tone "but you do know that I'm not babysitting Jason I'm babysitting his little brothers"

"Yes yes I know but still..." she trailed off with a wave.

I glanced at my phone to see the time was close to six, and this conversation was far from over so I threw away my apple core and grabbed my sweater, bag,and keys head to the Scott's house which wasn't too far down the street actually. but I'm pretty lazy.

I got to the Scott's house and parked my silver Prius on the side of the curb in front of their houses front steps.

I walked up the pathway to the door and rang the doorbell. it was quickly answered by Mrs.Scott.

"Hey Rebecca" she states with a smile " please come in"

"Hi Mrs.Scott" I said with a smile.

"Oh please call me Amanda" she said
I just smiled and nodded.

"Let me introduce you to the family" Amanda said.
Then Mr.Scott and there two sons came to greet me.

"Hi" I said with a wave to all of them

"Mark" Amanda started gesturing her hand to me then mark "this is Rebecca"

"Hello Rebecca" he greeted while reaching out his hand for me to shake I did while saying hi

"And these are the twins Lucas and Kyle" she said gesturing to the two nine year old twins

"Hi" Lucas said
"Hey "Kyle said. then Kyle whispered something to Lucas and they both started snickering and nodding to each other.
"And finally I almost forgot" Amanda said "Jason come down here please"

"Wait I'm-" I started but was interrupted by loud footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked at the cause of the noise and there stood the cutest guy I have ever laid eyes on. He had gorgeous chocolate brown eyes,a strong chiseled jaw, brown hair styled in a sexy low spikes slightly to the side, and his bicep so defined definitely showing in his short sleeve white v-neck. One word described this boy PERFECT.

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