"It's alright, Dad, don't think about it. By the way, guess who I saw in Paris", Belle said with a smile.

"Oh, I have no idea. Tell me everything about it".


Freddie's eyes widened. "Are you being serious? Did you talk to him?".

"I did, well, I actually only greeted him. But my God, he's changed a lot. He cut his hair, acts so elegantly now, I mean, he's always been really classy, but now he is just so... serious. You know, probably the effects of fatherhood".

"Effects of fatherhood? That's interesting. When I had you I was still the same harlequin guy jumping around on stage. It affects everyone differently I guess".

"Mr. Mercury, Joe Newton wants to see you", a nurse was heard saying, knocking on the door.

Freddie let out a deep breath. "Let him come in", he said, thinking this could probably be the day when he tells Joe not to talk to him again.

"I'll leave you two alone then", Belle told Freddie, a little annoyed, secretly hoping Freddie would get rid of him this time.

"Don't go, stay near the door", Freddie said.

Belle saw Joe arriving, followed by a young woman, slightly older than her. He stopped and greeted Belle before entering the room, and so did the mysterious girl.

"Good morning", the black-haired woman offered to shake Belle's hand.

"Good morning", Belle greeted back and shook her hand.

"My name is Daisy Newton, I'm Joe's daughter, nice to meet you", she presented herself.

"I'm Belle Bulsara. I didn't know Joe had a daughter, nice to meet you too".

"I'm his only daughter. I know you are probably thinking I don't look like him. I'm adopted".

Belle was taken aback by Daisy's sudden confession, she wasn't expecting someone to say they're adopted to a stranger the first time they meet them.

"That doesn't matter, you're still his daughter".

"You don't resemble Freddie much, but I still could tell you're his daughter", Daisy said. "If that makes sense".

"Well, that's probably because I have a mother too", Belle said with little smile on her face.

"Who's your mother?", Daisy asked.

"Mary. Mary Austin", Belle answered.

"Your mother is Mary Austin?", Daisy flinched. "My God, I love her work in real estate".

"Thank you. She's great at what she does".

"Are you in college, though?", Daisy digressed.

"I am. I study Medicine, and I plan on becoming a Psychiatrist", Belle said with a slight tone of proudness in her voice, after experiencing how tough it is to study Medicine.

"That's actually great. I attend Law school. It's fun", Daisy said. "But your father is one of the greatest musicians on Earth, why don't you sing?".

"I do like to sing, I'd love to be a singer, but I've always been compared to my father. He is way too talented so expectations will be held high for me and I don't know If I will be able to deliver what Freddie Mercury's daughter is expected to deliver", Belle said. "Also, If I become successful, people will probably think I only did it because of my father".

"Wow, being the daughter of someone so famous and successful is tougher than I thought", Daisy said. "I do hope that you remember that you should never let go of what you love".

"Daisy, we have to go", Joe abruptly exited Freddie's room, looking a little somber. He noticed Belle and his daughter were having a conversation.

"Say goodbye to your new friend".

Daisy put her head down, she was actually enjoying her little talk with Belle.

"Goodbye, Belle. It was nice talking to you", Daisy waved goodbye.

"Oh, this ended way too soon. It was nice talking to you too. Take care".

Belle watched Joe and Daisy leave, and she never thought she could take such meaningful advice from someone she had never met. "Never let go of what you love" was a quote that got stuck in her mind for several seconds. Roger was everything that she could think about, about the brief encounter they had. It was short, but it was good to see him again. She stopped a little to daydream about what she would do if she saw him again. She would hug him, that's for sure. She kept thinking about all the opportunities she's had in her lifetime to let Roger know she liked him. She had always been silent about that. And she knew he was with someone else, but that did not matter, because she wasn't doing it to date him, she was doing it because she wanted him to know. Was she willing to still keep it a secret? Probably not.

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