Part Eighteen

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~Monday Morning. Peyton’s POV~

I walked straight to my locker and started getting ready for class. Claire started running down the hall towards me.

“Brooklyn and Peyton is back on?!” She gasped.

“Uh, who said that?” I asked.

“Everyone…” She looked at me with confused eyes.

“Well, everyone is wrong.” I sighed. Yeah, Brooklyn and I aren’t back together. I want to be, but I don’t trust him anymore. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. I love Brooklyn, but I do not trust him at all.

“Uh, then why were you two seen leaving the dance together?” She asked.

“He was drunk and about to get in big trouble.”

“Wait, was he with the guys?” She gasped. Oh yeah, the guys that with Brooklyn, they got expelled for drinking. I nodded my head at Claire. I saw Brooklyn walk into school. We were on talking terms, but nothing more than a friendship. He walked over to his buddies and then looked over at me. He gave a slight smile. I smiled back, then looked at Claire.

“Please get back together.” She begged.

“I told you. I don’t trust Brooklyn Beckham.” I slammed my locker and walked to class. Brooklyn walked in after me and sat down.

“Hey, thanks for what you did.” He whispered.

“No problem.” I didn’t look up from my paper. I heard him let out a sigh. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him run his fingers through his hair and slide down in his chair. He leaned his head back and left it there till class started.

I walked to the lunch room and sat by Claire. She gave me this look.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked.

“Turn around.” She whispered. I turned around to see something that broke my heart. Brooklyn hugging another girl. Maybe they are friends. That didn’t look like a friendly hug. He wouldn’t do that to you. He did once though. We aren’t even dating. I shouldn’t be jealous. It’s probably nothing, Peyton.

“I bet they are just friends.” I faked a smile.

“Brooklyn and Crystal? Oh, no. They have a thing.” Parker corrected as she sat down. Parker was on my football team as well. She recently started sitting with us and hanging out with me.

“How do you know?” Claire questioned.

“I have science with both of them. Trust me, they aren’t just friends.” She took a bite of her sandwich. I felt tears in my eyes. Brooklyn already moved on? Did he really love me? So many questions going on in my head.

“I’m going to the bathroom.”

“We’ll come with.” Claire suggested.

“No, it’s fine.” I stood up slowly. My head started to hurt and I felt a little dizzy. I took a few steps before I felt myself hit the ground. I heard some voices, but they sounded like they were far away.

“Peyton!” One voice screamed.

“Someone get the nurse!” Another shouted.

“Is she okay?” A third voice yelled. My vision was blurry. Before I knew it, everything went black.

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry this chapter was so short. This was a filler. I’ll try and post another chapter (or a few) tonight! Please comment, vote, share. Thank you for 782 reads! I love you all!! Mwah!

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