Part Sixteen

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~Peyton’s POV~

I saw Brooklyn walking this way. He looked really out of it. I wanted to ask what was wrong, but I was still mad at him.

“Babe, can we talk?” He asked me.

“Uh, sure.” I stuttered. Here it goes. He’s breaking up with me for that girl.

“Peyton…” He started.

~Brooklyn’s POV~

I looked into her blue eyes. They weren’t sparkling like usual.

“Peyton…” I started.

“Just get it over with.” She whispered.

“Lindsey was the girl from yesterday. She wanted a picture of my dad and when I was giving her the phone, we swapped numbers. I kind of felt something, but it wasn’t major! Not like the time I saw you. Anyway, we planned to meet up and hang out today. So, we met at Buzz and met you guys here. I get why you were, or are, mad at me. I wasn’t paying any attention to you. When I was walking her back, she kissed me. Peyton, I’m so sorry! I love you with all my heart!” I explained.

“If you really love me, you wouldn’t have felt feelings for her. You wouldn’t have thought she was pretty. You wouldn’t have gone BEHIND MY BACK AND INVITE HER! And mostly, if you loved me, you would’ve stopped her from kissing you.” She said most of it in monotone (besides the screaming part). She was fighting tears. She let one single tear fall. I reached up to wipe it away, but she hit my hand.

“Peyton, I’m sorry! Okay?” I raised my voice. Not too much to make a scene, but louder than it was.

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me! I’m not the one who completely ignored his GIRLFRIEND all day long. I’m not the one that met up with another person KNOWING I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP! I’m not the one who went off and let someone else KISS ME! Brooklyn, I should be the one yelling. I am the one who was cheated on. I’m the one with a broken heart. I’m the victim here.” She raised her voice.

“I didn’t cheat on you!”

“Yes you did. Cheating is kissing, flirting, touching, and deleting messages so I can’t see them. It’s not always going on dates with someone or having sex with them. I’m going back to the hotel.” And with that, she was gone. I caught up to my family and didn’t see Travis and Mindy. Romeo was shaking his head “no” at me. Did he know that we had a fight? My parents said they knew we fought, but didn’t know what about. My mum looked at me with sad eyes. I knew she loved Peyton and must be devastated.

“Really, Brooklyn?” Romeo whispered.

“What?” I tried to play it off.

“Oh, don’t ‘what’ me. I saw how you flirted with that other girl.” He whispered again. Crap, Romeo did know. We went back to the hotel and I saw that Peyton’s stuff was gone. I ran to Mindy and Travis’s room to see their stuff gone too. I just lost the most important thing in my life. All because I was stupid.

~2 weeks later. Brooklyn’s POV~

It’s been two weeks since my fight with Peyton. We never really established if we were over or not. I was guessing we were because she wasn’t answering my texts or phone calls. She ignored me at school. She doesn’t sit by me at lunch. She even doesn’t even sit by me in math anymore. She became friends with a girl on her football team and hangs out with her. I still love Peyton. I’ll never let her go.

~Peyton’s POV~

Life actually has been okay. I haven’t talked to Brooklyn since our fight. I became with girls on my football team and am even best friends with one of them. Her name is Claire. She’s a lot like me so we get along very well.

“Have you talked to Brooklyn lately?” She asked as we walked to our lockers.

“No.” I answered.

“Who are you going to the dance with?” She questioned.

“No one.” I answered.


“Why is that good?” I laughed.

“Will you be my date to the dance?” She joked.

“I would love to.” I laughed. We hooked arms and skipped off to class. It’s nice having a friend. Especially one that is a girl. I am so glad to have her in my life.

I Didn't Mean To Fall In Love(A Brooklyn Beckham Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now