I Didn't Mean To Fall In Love(A Brooklyn Beckham Fanfic)

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A/n: This is my first story written on Wattpad. Hope you enjoy it:) It might be slow at the beginning but I will get to the point haha:)

I Didn't Mean To Fall In Love

~Monday Morning~(Peyton's POV)

First day of a new school. Hopefully this year will be better than last year. I put on my black pants, white flowy tank, and a jean jacket before putting my hair in a bun. I didn't feel like getting fancy with my makeup so I put some on my eyes and ran downstairs.

"You ready for school?" My mom asked.

"Not really." I muttered.

"Try to make friends this year." She insisted. My mom and I moved to London because her boyfriend got a job as a soccer scout or something. I rolled my eyes at her. Friends aren't really my thing. I actually don't know what it's like. I've never had a real friend.

"There she is! What's it like to own a house in London, Peyton?" Travis, my mom's boyfriend, asked me.

"I wouldn't know. Technically, I did not buy the house. Therefore, I do not own it and it's not ours because it's yours." I answered. I looked at the clock and read 7:45.

"Shoot! I'm gonna be late!" I put my shoes on, kissed my mom on the cheek, grabbed my bag, and ran out the door. I live about 10 minutes away and insisted I'd walk. I walked into the front office to get my schedule. The lady at the front desk searched for my name and then started handing me my things.

"Here's your timestable." She smiled.

"Uh...pardon?" I questioned.

"Your timestable." She looked at me funny. I guess that it finally hit her that I'm American.

"Your schedule. We call it timestables." She laughed and so did I.

"Silly me." I grabbed the timestable and hurrided off to class. The teacher met me at the door and pulled me to his desk. He handed me supplies I'd need while students walked in.

"Class, we have a new student joining us. Her name is Peyton." Mr. Jones annouced when everyone was seated. I gave a shy smile.

"Peyton, you'll be sitting by Brooklyn." Mr. Jones pointed to an empty seat in the back. I slowly made my way to the back as Mr. Jones talked. I sat and looked at the boy. He looked back at me.

"Hi, I'm Brooklyn." He smiled as he reached out his hand.

"Peyton." I shook his hand then got to listening to the lecture.

The bell finally rang after what felt like forever. I made my way to my next class, or well, tried to. I finally stopped someone to ask for help.

"You're new? Hey, I have that class next, follow me!" She skipped off. I tried to keep up with her in the crowded hall. This was going to be stressful.

"I'm Ashley, by the way" She called back.

"I'm Peyton." I yelled. We finally made it. Ashley sat down, then motioned me to sit by her. Luckily, Ashley was in the rest of my classes. We're on our way to lunch now.

"What do you want for dinner?" She asked.

"You mean lunch?" I laughed. She looked at me funny.

"Dinner. You, Americans, sure are funny."

"I really need to learn what to call everything. The Caesar chicken salad looks good."

"It's pronouced Ci-kin here." She whispered. I looked at the board and then back at Ashley.

"I'm screwing with you! It's chicken." Ashley laughed. We grabbed our food and sat down.

"How's your first day?" She asked as she stuffed some spagetti in her mouth.

"Good." I took a bite of my salad. Ashley began to freak out. I turned arround and saw Brooklyn walking in.

"He's gorgeous! I've had a crush on him since year one!" She gasped. He was getting closer to our table. Ashley looked as if she was going to burst.

"Hi Brooklyn!" She blurted. Brooklyn looked at Ashley and then at me.

"You're in my math class, right?" Brooklyn was talking to me.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Brooklyn, you coming?" His friend called. He smiled at me and ran off. Ashley's mouth dropped.

"What?" I slowly asked.

"Brooklyn Beckham just talked to you!" She looked shocked.

"So what?" I asked.

"He's Brooklyn Beckham!" She gasped.

"Why is that a big deal?"

"His father is David Beckham! Mother is Victoria Beckham." Ashley explained to me.

"I don't know who they are." I admitted.

"You are like from Mars or something." She sassed.

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