Part Seventeen

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~After school. Peyton’s POV~

The dance was a week away. Claire and I decided to go shopping for one. The dance was supposed to be fancy, but not prom fancy. Of course, every girl would show up looking like a princess. Claire found a beautiful high-low dress. It was black at the top and light purple on the bottom. Her dress had a crystal like belt that was attached. We searched for my dress a little longer. I couldn’t find a single dress. I turned around and saw the most beautiful dress every! It was light sky blue and it was short. It was one of those dresses that had a little extra at the top. You know, the see through fabric on the chest and the rest of the dress wasn’t see through.

“You would look stunning in that!” Claire gasped.

“I’m going to try it on.” I rushed to the dressing room and changed quickly. It was perfect. I stepped out to show Claire what it looked like.

“Oh my gosh!” She gasped.

“Do I look good?” I giggled.

“Beautiful!” She practically screamed. I went back to the room to change out of it. Once I was done, I walked out and paid for my dress.

~Night of the dance~

Claire and I were getting ready for the dance. She put my hair in a waterfall braid and the curled the rest of my hair. I did my make a little different than usual. Claire had her hair up in a cute bun. We got our dresses on and then our heels. Travis drove us to the dance. Once we got there, we jumped out and walked into the building. We gave our tickets to a lady before walking into where the dance was. It was loud and a ton of people were jumping around.

“It’s crazy!” Claire yelled.

“Seriously!” I yelled back.

~Brooklyn’s POV~

I was hanging out with my friends at the dance when someone caught my attention. Peyton. She was all the way across the room.  Boy, she looks beautiful. I went up to the DJ and asked him to play When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars. I walked over to Peyton as the started the song.

“May I have a dance?” I stuck out my hand and smile. She hesitantly took it. I pulled her to the center of the dance floor.

“Do you remember when you sang this to me?” I asked.


“So, this is our song.” I spun her.

“I guess so.” She answered. I slowly started to lean in. I got closer and closer. She wasn’t stopping me, so I went in. Our lips touched and I felt fireworks. She pushed me away a few seconds later.

“What are you doing?” She gasped.

“Kissing you?”

“We aren’t dating anymore, Brooklyn.” She walked back over to Claire. I stood there in the center looking like a fool. My mate Shawn walked over and put his hand on my shoulder.

“Hey, I got something for you.” I followed out of the gym and into a vacant hall. Three of my mates walked out from behind a corner. They had a bunch of alcohol in their hands.

“I don’t think we should-“ I was cut off by Shawn handing me a bottle. I chug it down and grabbed another one.

~Peyton’s POV~

I felt really bad about what I did to Brooklyn. I still love him. But, he did cheat. I guess we just need to talk it out. I went on a wild goose chase looking for him. I couldn’t find him anywhere.

“Have you seen Brooklyn?” I asked Claire.

“I saw him leave with Shawn.” She pointed towards a door. I thanked her and ran off. I walked down a dark hallway. I heard a few guys laughing.

“Hello?” I called out. Silence.

“I know someone is there. It’s me, Peyton. I’m looking for Brooklyn.” I called out again. I saw a figure walk out from a corner. Four other guys walked out too.

“Peyton?” He stuttered.

“Brooklyn? Are you drunk?” I asked.

“Pssh. Not at all.” He giggled.

“Brooklyn!” I screamed.

“What?” He snapped. I heard footsteps from behind me.

“I saw someone go down here. Mrs. Robinson.” I heard a voice say. I grabbed Brooklyn’s arm and ran. We ran down the hall and took a left. If Brooklyn was caught with alcohol, he’d be expelled and his parents would kill him. We walked out of the back door and took off. We walked awhile before my feet started hurting. Brooklyn offered to give me a piggy back ride, but I rejected it due to him being drunk. He couldn’t even walk straight! He started to turn towards his house.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I whispered.

“Going home.”

“Brooklyn, you’re drunk! If you go home drunk, your parents would kill you.” He agreed and followed me to my house. Luckily, my parents were asleep. So, it was easy to sneak Brooklyn in. We got to my room and I shut the door behind us.

“Why are you doing this?” Brooklyn questioned.

“Honestly, I don’t know.” I whispered. I went into my bathroom and got ready for bed. When I was done, I walked out to see Brooklyn just sitting there. He was staring at the keyboard.

“I got that for you.” He whispered.

“For my birthday.”

“I really screwed up.” He whispered. I just stood there looking at the keyboard to.


“I’m so sorry, Peyton.” He looked back at me.

“We should go to bed.” I suggested. He looked down and then back up.

“I can’t sleep in a suit and I don’t have clothes.”

“You can sleep in your boxers.” He looked at me and smirked. I turned around and he took off his clothes. Finally, we jumped in bed and turned off the lights.

“I love you, Peyton.” I heard Brooklyn say. I was silent. I heard light snores come from Brooklyn. I carefully wrapped his arms around me and smiled.

“Goodnight, Brooklyn.” I whispered.

A/N: Hey y'all! How are y'all doing? Thank you for reading my story:) Y'all are the best! Please like, comment, vote, tell your friends. All that jazz! Haha! Okay, bye:)

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