Part Two

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~Next Week~(Peyton's POV)

Math was BRUTAL! It's been pretty hard. Everything else is fine. I made the soccer team! I mean, football team. I need to remember to call it that.

"Peyton, can you stay after?" Mr. Jones called over the noise of kids leaving. I sat back down and waited for them to leave.

"Good luck." Brooklyn whispered to me before leaving. After Brooklyn left, Mr. Jones walked over to me.

"You aren't doing too well in this class." He started.

"Nope." I muttered.

"I'm going to have to get you a tutor."

"A tutor?" I stuttered.

"He has your information. He'll be at your house later tonight." He went on.

"He's just going to stop by? Unannounced?" I questioned.

"No, your parents know."

"Parent." I whispered. Mr. Jones handed me a piece of paper with a number on it. I took the paper and got ready to leave.

"Thank you, Mr. Jones." I walked out. Ashley was waiting for me outside.

"Oooo, someone's in trouble." She joked.

"No, I'm getting a tutor." I rolled my eyes.

"That might not be a bad idea." She confessed.

"Excuse me?" I luaghed.

"I mean, he could be hot." She nudged me.

~After school~

My tutor is on his way. I'm scared he's gonna be 45 and creepy.Just then, my phone buzzed.

-Text from Ashley-

"Have fun with your sexy tutor;)"

"We don't know if he's sexy or not." I hit send. I locked my phone and waited.

"Peyton, he's here!" My mom shouted. Here we go. I looked in the mirror, just in case, and ran downstairs.

"Brooklyn?" I asked. He turned around.


"You're my tutor?"

"Brooklyn, will you be staying for supper?" Travis interrupted.

"If you don't mind. Thank you for inviting me to stay, Mr. and Mrs. Brown." Brooklyn answered.

"Mr. Brown and Ms. Miller." I added. Brooklyn looked at me with confusion. I motioned upstairs. Once we got to my room, I shut the door and hopped on my bed.

"What was that about?" He started pulling his books out.

"My parents are divorced. That's my mom's boyfriend." I admitted.

"You don't like him." Brooklyn caught on.

"He treats her well. Better than my dad." I whispered. Brooklyn was just looking at me. It was like he was trying to find something to say to make me feel better.

"Shall we get started?" I finally broke the silence.

"Right." He sat in the chair across from me

-An hour later-

"I'm bored!" I groaned.

"We just started." Brooklyn laughed.

"No, we started an hour ago."

"Come one! You need to study." He teased.

"Please, can we take a break?" I pouted. He closed his book and laughed.

"All right." He gave in. I smiled at him.He smiled back.

"You like London?" He leaned back in chair.

"It's beautiful." I gleamed. My phone buzzed. Brooklyn looked at it.

"You wanna answer?" He asked.

"Yep. Could you read it to me, then hand me it?"

"Sure." He picked up my phone and looked at it.

"So, is he sexy?" Brooklyn read. My eyes went huge and I'm pretty sure my face was red.

"Uh...I'll take that back." I stuttered. Brooklyn laughed at me.

"Is who sexy?" He smirked.

"May I have my phone?" I questioned.

"Not 'till you say who she's talking about." He hinted. He started to tease me.

"You. She's talking about my tutor." I blurted.

"And your answer?" He smirked. I started blushing. My answer was yes. I don't like him but he is attractive.

"Give me my phone." I laughed.


"Wasn't part of the deal." I corrected. He pouted as he handed me my phone. I giggled at him.

"Will you answer now?" Brooklyn went on.

"Pose!" I shouted. He stood up and did a sassy pose. I snapped a picture to send to a Ashley.

"Do I look good." He sat down.

"Of course." I joked. By this time, supper was ready. Brooklyn and I raced to see who'd get downstiars first. Of course, I won.

"Hope you like chicken fettuccine alfredo." My mom chattered.

"I love it." He smiled.

I Didn't Mean To Fall In Love(A Brooklyn Beckham Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now