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"So, I'll definitely come see you tomorrow before you go." I hug my friend Sara once more before finally letting her go. 

"You better, I had fun today. I'll call you when you get home, okay?" she asks, while getting her key to her hotel room. 

"Perfect! See you later then." We give each other another hug. She waves, then walks to the elevator, which shuts right behind her.

I sigh happily, then turn around to walk away when I hear Abdullah's voice. Uh? How did he know I was here? I turn back around. 

I stumble in my steps when I see who's with him. 

A gasp escapes my lips as I stare at them in horror. 

Aliyah is holding onto Abdullah while smiling brightly. She puts a key into the keyhole, then walks in with him behind her. 

"Ya Allah, what is he doing?" I whisper. Before I can control myself, tears just stream down my face. I turn around and run out of the hotel. 

After spending my time crying at the park, I head home drained from all the crying. 

I open the door of the house to find everyone sitting there laughing. "Sis, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Daneen stands up instantly. 

"Aminat, are you okay?" mama asks. I don't reply to any of them. I just walk up to my room and shut the door. 

Seconds later, Daneen is banging on the door asking if am okay and if Abdullah had anything to do with it. 

After completing my salah and making sure that the door is still locked, I get in bed and throw the covers over myself. 

"Aminat!" I hear Abdullah bang on the door. "What is wrong with you! Open the door," he yells. 

I shut my eyes and let the tears fall. What do I do now? Should I break the marriage off? Or just leave the house for a while?

I thought we were fine. We were doing fine. Why did he have to go and ruin it and betray me like that? 

Why, Abdullah, why?

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