Good and Bad News (30)

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"Ayesha is coming over, so we can discuss further on," I tell Abdullah, who simply nods.

"Abdullah?" I look at him with concern. "Are you okay?"

"What if she kills Hamza? This is all my fault," he whispers with his head in his hands.

"Abdullah, this isn't your fault, we're going to face bigger challenges than this, this is one of them. Just stay believing that He, the one and only Allah (SWT) will make everything right." He looks at me with a smile, then kisses my hand, which makes me smile.

The two officers from yesterday walk into the house with their hats in their hands. Their names are officer Yasir and Menk.

"Is everything all right?" baba asks them. "Ayesha has been found dead in a car accident," officer Menk says.

My eyes widen and a loud gasp escapes my lips.

"It must have been planned, Aliyah must..." Daneen begins.

"That's the good news, we found Aliyah trying to drag her body towards the river but luckily we caught her before she could escape. We have her in our custody now," he says.

"Allamdulilah," I whisper.

"What about Hamza?" Abdullah asks them. "He's also in our custody. We have to put him in an adoption center by the end of today since he has no family," officer Yasir explains with a slight disappointment in his voice.

"But he's only eight." Daneen frowns. "He lost all his family members and now his sister." A tear slides down her face.

"I love you, didi." Suddenly, she hugs me. I smile a little and rub her back gently. "I love you too," I whisper.

"We'll take your leave now." The officers nod before making their way towards the door.

"What if we adopt him?" Abdullah calls after them.

"Abdullah." I look at him in shock.

"I mean, can we adopt him?" He looks at me with desperation in both his tone and eyes. "Please," he presses.

I look at Daneen, whose face shows happiness and also desperation. "Please, didi, you can take Ayesha's role and keep him safe, love him like your own."

I frown at that. "I don't want to. I'd feel like I'm snatching the right of his own moth--"

"Beta, you are not if they're dead. He has nowhere to go except a foster home, where he probably wouldn't get the right education he needs," mama says.

I look at Abdullah, then at the officers and nod. "Okay, can we?" Smiles form on both of their faces.

"Had a feeling you'd say something like this." Officer Menk smiles, then hands Abdullah a few papers to sign, which he does faster than I've ever seen him do anything. I sign my part, then hand the papers to the officer, who smiles.

"We'll bring him here in an hour or so," officer Yasir says.

"We can decorate a room for him, we should get him toys and food, he would be hungry," Daneen says eagerly.

"Didi, you are happy, aren't you?" Daneen asks me.

"Yeah, you are just quiet." Abdullah turns to me.

"It's not Hamza, Ayesha died... she was only fifteen, her life had been tough already," I whisper.

"Didi, baba always says Allah has the right to take our life at anytime and He does so for a reason. There must've been something dangerous for her in the future, which He didn't want her to encounter. Maybe, that's why He took her so quickly and maybe that's why she was the one to poison you, so you'd be able to help her in the one thing she wants the most, which is the safety of her brother. She only wanted him to be loved, you can give him that. You can fulfill her wish, didi. Allah sent her to you for a reason," Daneen says.

I cannot say anything after that. I am too shocked with what she just explained in a more positive view. I am proud of her. She's grown up so much. I smile at that.

"Well, we got some room decorating to do then." I get up.

"Yes!" She and the twins cheer instantly, which makes everyone laugh. "You guys can go get toys and stuff for boys his age," Daneen says to Sahil and Abdullah.

"Rahul, you are coming." Abdullah drags him out.

"Well, you could have let me answer," Rahul jiju says.

"You are acting like your answer matters now, bhai." Sahil scoffs, which makes Daneen and Zara bhabhi laugh.

I chuckle at them, then shake my head.

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