#59 His perfect girl

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#59 His perfect girl

I am always getting people messaging me and asking what I think the boy’s perfect girl would be like and here’s what I think:

Louis: His perfect girl would be someone who was absolutely perfect in his eyes. She would be so kind, funny, and beautiful but, more specifically, his perfect girl would be you.

Liam:  Liam would want someone that he would always have fun with; someone who he could love unconditionally and would love him unconditionally. Someone like you.

Niall: You would be absolutely perfect for Niall in every way. He could spend hours just talking about you, even though the boys would make fun of him and call him whipped, he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Zayn: Zayn would want someone that he could just spend the day doing nothing with. She would be able to spend the day in bed with him, cuddling and just talking about whatever in on either of your minds. But, most importantly, you would be his perfect girl.

Harry: He would want a girl who he could make laugh, even if his jokes were not funny. Harry would spend restless nights thinking of, or googling, new jokes that he could tell you as soon as he saw you; wanting nothing more then to know that he was the one who caused the smile on your face. The girl who is perfect for him would definitely be you.

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