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This is probably one on my favorite requests so far because I love The Mortal Instruments. I also have an obsession with Jamie Campbell Bower so I’m describing Jace in all of these.

Louis: Lately, things have been it bit strange. Everywhere that you look, you see a tall, blonde man standing off in the corner. He always appears to just be watching you but, the thing is, no one else can see him. You knowhe’s there but as soon as you ask someone else they quickly dismiss it and move on with their lives. “I swear he’s there, Louis,” You said as you tried to catch up with his quick pace down the street. “I may be crazy but I don’t think I’m on the level of crazy where I see people who aren’t actually there.” Louis stopped abruptly. “Y/n, lately, that’s all you’ve been talking about; a tall, attractive blonde who keeps following you around. Have you ever stop to think how I’d feel about that. I do believe you and I always will because you’d never lie to me. That’s why this is bothering me.” Your eyes widened as you were at a loss for words. “Next time you see him, tell me because I’ll find some way to talk to this guy.”

Liam: “Do you believe me?” You asked to your best friend, Liam, and silently prayed that he did. “I don’t know y/n. That seems a little farfetched, don’t ya think?” He said as he continued to focus on his phone. “Please, Liam! I’ve know you all my life. I just-I need your help. Even if you don’t believe me. This guy, he’s scary. He’s like twice my size and he’s covered in these strange tattoos. I don’t know what to do…” Liam, now suddenly curious, set his phone down and directed his full attention on you. “Okay, if you’re this worried about it, I’ll find some way to help you. Even if I can’t see this guy.” He said though he mumbled that last part.

Niall: “He’s almost like you except he’s a lot taller, I think he’s actually a natural blonde, he also has so many tattoos and he wears a lot of leather.” You attempted to describe the mysterious man that hasn’t seemed to leave you alone for over a week now. “So basically he’s nothing like me?” He chuckled. “No! I mean, well, you’re both blonde…” He faked a gasp. “We could be twins!” You quickly hit his arm. “Niall, this is serious. I have an invisible stalker only he isn’t invisible because only I can see him but nobody else can. This isn’t normal, Niall, and I want answers.” The mood in the room quickly change from joking and free to serious. “How am I going to be of any help, y/n? There’s not much I can do to actually help.” “But there is,” You moved and connected your fingers together with his. “After I saw him last time, he went to some abandoned church. Come with me. I’m scared to go alone but I need answers.” He sighed and squeezed you hand. “You’re lucky I love you y/n.”

Zayn: “I can’t do this Zayn! He’s everywhere I look! I had a conversation with him the other day and he kept calling me a ‘mundane’. I don’t even know what a ‘mundane’ is but, apparently, that’s what I am!” Zayn cut you off by smashing his lips against yours. “Calm down. I won’t let anyone hurt you. And, anyways, ‘mundane” probably means beautiful in Latin or something like that. Forget about him. He’s nothing special and you have me. You don’t need him.” You sighed and rested your head against his shoulder. “There’s just something about him. I feel so drawn to him. He says I’m different. He’s never seen anyone like me…”

Harry: “Harry, listen. He was talking to this girl at the coffee shop and I found out his name is Jace.” “Wait, I thought only you could see him but the girl could too?” His eyebrow rose as he questioned you. “That’s the thing. He doesn’t know that I can see him but, I was with Niall when this happened and he said he couldn’t see either of them.” He noticed that a few people across the cafe were beginning to look at you strange so he moved a bit closer so you could talk lower without receiving these looks. “So they’re both ‘Shadow hunters’?” “I guess but look at this,” You skimmed through your bag until you found what you were looking for. “He dropped his ring on his way out. I’m hoping he’ll come to for it so I can ask him what’s going on.” “What do you think the ‘W’ means?” You shrugged, “I don’t know nor do I care. I just want to see him again.”

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