#80 Hugs

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Louis: "C'mon buddy," Louis said, reaching down to ruffle his son, Ethan's, hair as he gripped so tightly onto Louis' leg. "I gotta go soon and I still gotta say goodbye to mommy." Ethan seemed unwilling to let go and Louis' heart seemed to break since he knew that he would be able to see his son and wife every morning when he awoke just like he had become accustomed to. Louis effortlessly reached down and lifted Ethan off his feet and wrapped him in a tight embrace."I'm gonna miss you, bud, but I'm going to make sure that you and mommy come visit me on tour. The lads will love to have you around anyways."

Liam: "This was a dumb idea." You muttered, hiding your arms inside your coat in an attempt to warm yourself a bit more. "I thought it'd be fine." Liam whined, sighing when he noticed your bright red face and shacking body due to the harsh winter air. "I didn't think there would be this many people here." It was a nice thought but little did he actually know that you were basically terrified of going ice skating because you weren't exactly the most coordinate person out there. Liam huffed, his breath visible in the cold, as he tugged you closer to him. "Sorry," He mumbled into your ear, gently brushing some hair away from your face. "Guess I should'a told ya to dress warm."

Niall: Getting on the plane in five minutes, You reread the text Niall had sent you over 3 hours ago, Can't wait to see you again baby! His flight should land any minute now and you couldn't help but feel anxious since the would be the first time you'd see in 3 ½ months. Of course you were excited to see him, you just didn't know if things would return to how they were before he left or if it would become awkward due to his absence. You squealed when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and lifted you off the floor. You calmed slightly when your heard that distinctive Irish laugh behind you. You spun around instantly when he released you and clung onto him once again. It felt amazing to have him close to you and, if you had the choice, you'd never let him go.

Zayn: "C'mon, baby," Zayn muttered, tugging you up the stairs to his childhood room. He was visibly exhausted, his eyes half shut and his hair disheveled, and all he wanted was to climb in bed and cuddle you til you both fell asleep. You weren't as tired as he was but you were more than willing to snuggle with Zayn. You followed him to the bedroom and, unlike Zayn who just flopped on the bed, you went to the bathroom to change and brush your teeth before returning to him. It seemed like Zayn was forcing himself to stay awake and wait for your return and you couldn't help but smile at his sweet gesture as you climbed next to him. "Thanks for making me wait." He mumbled, flipping over so that his arm was keeping to close to him. "I'm sorry I had to change." You waited for some smart ass remarked from him back but received nothing which is when you realized that Zayn had already fallen asleep.

Harry: "Fuck, Harry you didn't tell me it was already past midnight!" You groaned, standing up from the couch and searching the room for your purse. "You can't go home now, y/n." You best friend, Harry, pouted at you from the couch. "I have to, Harry. My bother is going to tell my dad how late I stayed out and I'll never be allowed here again." Harry was now standing in front of you, his height causing him to tower over you and you were forced to tilt your head back just to look at him. "I'll talk to them because it's storming and I don't want you to have to drive through that. There's no telling what could happen in this weather." Harry bent down and practically threw you over his shoulder as he bolted up the stairs and into his bedroom. "Besides," He muttered, pinning you to the bed so that you couldn't leave him. "You hate thunder storms so you gotta stay here so I can protect ya." He lightened his grip on you a bit and fixed the blankets so they fell around you both and allowed him to pull you closer to rest your head on his chest. "I'll text your parents now so they don't worry about you tonight, sweetheart."

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