#86 He picks you up after a bad date

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Louis: He hopped out of the car as soon as he saw you leaning against the outside of the restaurant. You were doing what Louis called your signature pout with your arms crossed over your chest as you stared at the ground. "C'mon babe," Louis' voice caused you to jump in surprise since it had been almost an hour since you called him and you were starting to think that he had forgotten about you. "Let's get you home." His arm slithered its way around your waist as he help guide you to his car. Louis opened your side door like a gentleman and made sure that you were settled before closing the door and climbing into the driver's seat. An unusual silence fell over the car and Louis' mind wandered to thinking about all the possible reasons why your date had gone so badly that you needed him to rescue him. He thought the worst, that the man got to handsy with you and you got fed up with it, or that he turned out to be a total douchebag and couldn't take a hint when you wanted to leave. His mind kept creating worst case scenarios and he was relieved when you finally spoke up and let him in on the truth. "That guy, I can't even remember his fucking name anymore, kept hitting on other women all night." You huffed, still focusing on the buildings you passed by rather than Louis since you already felt pathetic that you needed to be rescued from a date, you didn't want to see his judgmental looks as well. "It didn't matter that I was sitting across from him, he kept buying drinks for other girls and telling the waiter who delivered it to them that 'the drinks were on him and, if they wanted to thank him, he'd be free all night'. He was a fucking pervert." You grumbled, wishing more than anything that you could just forget about this awful night. It was then that Louis pulled into your apartment's driveway. You made a move to get out of the car but froze when Louis rested his hand over yours, halting your movements. "Are you sure you want to stay here alone tonight? I mean, if you want, you can spend the night with me and I can do my best to take your mind off that jackass..."

Liam: "He creeped the fuck out of me." You exclaimed, causing Liam to laugh in response as he watched the road while listening to you. "What'd he do exactly that caused you to send me an SOS text?" He laughed which caused you to glare at him because this wasn't funny; no matter how fictional is sounded. "I swear, he's got to be a serial killer in disguise because nobody acts like that normally. At one point, I was planning out an escape route in case he had a knife or gun on him." You joke about it now since it's all over but, during the date, you were actually quite terrified. "You never know," Liam said as he glanced over at you and he couldn't hide the smile that he gained from just looking at you. "Maybe one day you'll turn on the news and see his mug shot on screen for murder and then you'll be able to tell everybody that, 'Hey, I went on a date with that guy once'." You reach over and whacked his arm, careful not to disrupt his driving because you didn't want to crash the car. "I am notgoing to boast about going out with a murderer!" You gasped, trying to hold in your giggles so that you sounded more serious and authoritative. "Why not?" He asked, "I mean it'd be a good conversation starter." "Oh yeah," You joked, "'By the way, have you heard about the new murder case on the news? Yeah well I went on a date with him once. He even paid for my meal'." You huffed and Liam couldn't control his laugher by that point and you were right there with him. And in that moment you realized just how great of a friend Liam was because only he could turn such an awful night into a giggle filled memory that you'll be able to laugh about in 20 years from now.

Niall: "Oh my god," You said as you climbed into Niall's oversized car. Niall eyes scanned over your attire, not even attempted to hide his stare from you. "I think that was the worst date I've ever been on." You huffed as you struggled with the seat buckle but eventually managed to buckle it as Niall started up the car before pulling out of the diner's parking lot. "Oh come on, could it really be worse than that date you went on with Daniel Ricker in high school?" The flashback of the failed attempt at a movie date played through your head, causing you to cringe. You had planned to see a movie with Daniel, but this was technically your first official date which only added to your nerves, and he insisted on watching a scary movie since, in almost every movie, the girl always gets scared and cuddles into the guy for protection which is what Daniel had envisioned happened but, sadly, the opposite would be true. He eventually got so freaked out by the movie, while you were unaffected, even a bit bored by the movie's predictable events. Eventually, Daniel's mother had to pick up her crying, overemotional son, not even offering to take you home and you were, much like now, forced to call Niall for a ride. "God no," You protested, flipping back to reality in hopes that you'd never have to relive that memory again. "This would be a close second to that event. But, hey, they both have something in common." "What's that?" "You came to my rescue both times." Niall blushed deeply at this realization before he reached over and rested his hand over yours. "You know that I'll always be here for you, y/n. No matter how many shitty dates you go on, I'll be here to save you."

Zayn: "Again?" Zayn asked as he walked along the sidewalk, with you nearly glued to his side due to the harsh fall air. You mumbled a quiet noise of agreement in response and Zayn pulled you closer to him, his arm now resting comfortably on your waist and you felt a wave of warmth radiate over you despite the cold air. "I don't know why you still put up with him. If I was with someone like that, I would leave the first chance I got instead of sticking around and waiting for it to happen again." His words seemed to be malicious but he only wanted what was best for you and your boyfriend, Jeremiah, wasn't that. "I know... that's why I ended it." Zayn froze in his tracks, causing you to be pulled to a stop as well his arm gripped your waist still. "You what?" He asked, wanting to make sure that he had heard you correctly. "I broke up with him tonight." You repeated and gasped when Zayn suddenly pulled you into a tight, reassuring hug and you knew that you had done the right thing. "I'm so proud of you," He mumbled into your ear, his voice low and it sent shivers down your spine. "You deserved so much better than him, y/n. I'm so glad you've come to realize it too."

Harry: "Why are you here all alone?" Harry said as soon as he walked into the ice cream shop and noticed his best friend, siting in the corner, looking as lonely as ever. He took the empty seat across from you and felt his heart clench when he saw your harrowing expression. "You know that guy I've been talking to online?" Harry nodded, even remembered telling you that you shouldn't be talking to some man online since you couldn't tell whether or not he was telling the truth about himself. For all you know, he could be some pervert who still lives in his mother's basement. And before Harry could, once again, chastise you for all this, you spoke up. "Yeah, well, we planned to meet here today. We promised that we'd meet at noon and now it's almost two in the afternoon and I just, I feel like an idiot because I actually thought that he'd meet me." You let out a pathetic attempt at a laugh but it was all you could do to hold in the tears. Harry saw this because he can read you like an open book so he quickly stood and circled around so that he sat next to you rather than across from you. "C'mon, cheer up, bug." He said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him so that you could lean your head on his shoulder. "He doesn't deserve your tears. Hell, he doesn't deserve anything from you. So how about we go back to my place and we can make those new brownies you've been raving about and we can marathon The Flashfor the rest of the day, sound good?" You nodded and felt Harry intertwine your fingers with his as he stood and led you toward the door and you knew that you had the greatest friend. Nobody else could beat Harry's kindness, no matter how many times that they tried.

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